Do you know someone who has made life altering decisions based on their sex drive? If you know a man who thinks with his penis rather than his rational mind, please leave a comment below and share this article with your friends.
“For the desires of the flesh are against the Spirit, and the desires of the Spirit are against the flesh, for these are opposed to each other, to keep you from doing the things you want to do.”
Galatians 5:17
No Christian dares to speak about this matter, which is an expression of how afraid most Christians are when it comes to anything related to sex. No one wants to accept the facts of reality that are dark and nasty because they think that somehow it reflects poorly on our Creator when it does not. The greatest physical dichotomy that can be experienced by men is the one that exists between the penis and the rational mind.
The penis wants to have sex with every girl it sees, while the mind knows better.
The mind knows the consequences, the penis knows only pleasure and pleasure seeking behavior. While the penis wants sex every day, the rational mind cares about the needs of the wife. The penis is a primal force of nature, in contrast the brain uses the rational nature of thought. What do you think wins out most of the time? The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak (Matthew 26:41).
The penis will throw away life, career and family for one sexual encounter. Why else would a man risk all his possessions by having sex with a woman who is not his wife? The decision is not rational, but driven by the biological needs of man. The lengths men will go to for sex are unlimited.
If women truly understood the depths of the darkness of the mind of men, they would never complain about sermons on modesty ever again.
Men, whether knowingly or not, base nearly all their choices and actions on the desire for sex. A great career and a nice house are things that come from hard work, and are marketing tools men use to attract the most sexually attractive female possible. The work of man is done for sex. Men get married for sex, and without sec there would be no marriage. How else would men be drawn into such a risky and unprofitable financial maneuver like marriage? There has to be something really nice in it for the men, otherwise marriage does not happen.
KEY: Without the urge to have sex, a man does not commit to a woman.
KEY: Do not let your penis make a decision that your rational mind regrets.
This happens all the time around us. A man makes a life altering decision based on his sex drive alone and years later ends up shaking his head to himself regretting ever having been born. Men do this with things they buy or the career moves they make. A man might choose a certain career just to attract a woman, not realizing he will spend the majority of his time at the job he hates.
Men think with their penises most often when it comes to marriage. If a woman has nice breasts that alone makes her desirable for marriage. If she looks good physically, that is all some men need in order to commit. Do you think men are committing to marriage out of rationality? They are not. They marry out of lust and the basic need for sex.
Just as the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak, so the mind is rational but the penis seeks nothing but sex.
Cult prostitutes are the reason that Israel continued to leave God. The fact that any man could have sex as a part of a worship service is enough for any man to forget the miracles he saw in Egypt and turn into a heathen. If you do not think a man is capable of this, you are dead wrong.
Christian women in the church would be shocked and disgusted to see what a man can do when led by his penis alone. Ever heard of rape? Do you think that springs forth from a place of rational thinking? No. It does not, it comes from animal-like drives. Remember: Man is one part divine and one part flesh and animal. Man has the capacity not only to rape, but also to enjoy it. Such vile behavior is the result of the darkest, most evil thoughts in the soul of man. This is the dichotomy of the penis and the rational, moral being.
Do not let your penis make a decision that your rational mind regrets.

Again, do not let your penis make a decision that your rational mind regrets. The importance of this cannot possibly be overstated.
Do not marry out of lust.
Do not have sex out of lust.
Never marry a woman just because she has nice breasts, or a nice butt, or because you think she will be good in bed. These are things that your penis would do if it had full reign on your mind.
The key to making rational choices in life is to be aware of the irrationality of your biological drives.
If you know those drives are irrational, it makes it easier to resist their pull. Awareness of your sex drive is more than half the battle. Here are a few common situations where men begin to think with their penises instead of with their rational minds:
- A man has been dating a girl for a few months and thinks she is “the one” (no such thing as ‘the one’). Based on the urge for sex he asks her to marry him, not realizing he had confused his sex drive for genuine love. They get married, and after a few years the newness of marriage wears off.
The dust settles and the man realizes he sprinted into marriage with a woman he did not truly love because he wanted to have sex with her. - A man has been dating a girl for years and really wants to get married. This man is skilled at hands-on jobs like electrical work or construction. But because he wants to please this woman and marry her as soon as possible, he chooses to go into business with his brother or find whatever job he can get the fastest. As soon as he has money, he marries the girl. A few years later he deeply regrets changing his career path based on his sex drive, because now he is completely unfulfilled by his work.
- A man is being pressured by people in the church to get married soon (whether knowingly or not many church members exert massive pressure on young men and women when it comes to their marriage plans). He doesn’t really want to get married, but he does want to have sex. He also wants to get all these church members to leave him alone about marriage. So even though he doesn’t truly want to get married yet, he finds a woman, sees her for a period of time and then marries her.
The man soon discovers that sex is not everything it was made out to be, if he gets any of it, especially if he marries a woman who was damaged by purity culture. He sleepwalks through life, never living it to the fullest. His lifestyle is greatly reduced because he has to mentally, physically emotionally and financially accommodate a woman. He is a walking time bomb for a midlife crisis.
There are a few common examples that you have probably witnessed yourself while growing up in the church. There are many more examples; write down a few that you have seen.
You must discipline yourself and recognize that you are going to want many things in life, and the majority of those will be the secondary and tertiary results of your desire for sex. The only men who do not accept the reality of this principle have forgotten what it is like to have more than one nanoliter of testosterone in their bodies.
You must be constantly aware of your desires; the penis will try to shut off the rational part of your brain and force you to think with your sex drive alone. This is the opposite of wisdom. This is how men find themselves in unfulfilling marriages.
You must make all facets of your body subject to you.
You must make the body submit to your rational mind (1 Corinthians 9:27). Without this, you will mindlessly impregnate women and suffer the consequences of that behavior. Command over the sex drive is the defining characteristic of a great man.
Be aware of your drives, and force them into submission.
Behave with honor.
Keep your penis in your pants.
Redirect that sexual energy to your work. Be a Man.
Conduct Yourselves Like Men.
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