“ Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.”
1 Corinthians 6:9-10
Most men in the religious work are weak and soft. 99% of them are corpses of what once was masculinity. The Shell is a man, but the inside is nothing but weakness and ovaries.
Certain ideologies give birth to specific types of men. Conservatism gives birth to dogmatic traditionalist men. Liberalism gives birth to weak, ignorant and effeminate men. This feminization of man is a problem that pervades the Church. Womanly men are an abomination to the masculinity of man, and you can thank modern feminism that these womanly men exist.
The lack of any real trials or persecution are also to blame for the weakness of modern man.
Why does man need strength at all? There is no real demand for it. The growing demand for strength is much more subtle and most do not recognize it for what it is. It is the talk of women about how there are “no eligible men in the Church to marry” (you can thank helicopter moms who babied their sons until they essentially transformed into daughters with penises).
It is the talk of the unwise aged who complain about the new generation. And it is the effeminate dress of the weak men, walking into the Church with shorts as if it was a social club or some homosexual nightclub. Modern liberalism and feminism has given birth to the most effeminate generation of our lifetimes thus far. Religion has been feminized with regards to sex as well.
It is also difficult to do anything about effeminate men.
Very few weak men are willing to change, just as very few men would be willing to read this article. No one wants to be a man anymore, it is too difficult. No one wants to do the work and do things that once were masculine. Now we live in the age of alternative rock (because hard rock is too “angry”), homosexuality (which is fundamentally anti-masculine) and the deification of patheticism.
Boys boast of their physical and mental weakness and do nothing to build character or integrity that is required of men. Most men wouldn’t survive life just 200 years ago, much less during the time of the life of Christ. They make jokes about how tough girls could beat them up, as if they are headlining Comedy Central (They satisfy the “no testicles” requirement to be on Comedy Central, so this wouldn’t be surprising).
The only thing we can do is improve ourselves.
The effeminate will not strengthen their feeble knees, so they will be utterly destroyed by life.
We have time on our side right now, and we must use it to build the strength of character and willpower that will last a lifetime. That is the Spartan way. That is the way of men.
Improve yourself and purge the epicene. Be a man. Reject the modern notion of what it is to be male. This day is a chance to be more masculine than you ever have been before. Take advantage of it or die in your weakness.
Masculinity or death, there is no other way.

As with any characteristic, masculinity is built on a foundation of microscopic character traits. Masculinity is built one brick at a time. Today you just pick one trait and stick to it.
Stop lying.
Quit saying “I feel” in front of every sentence like a prepubescent girl.
Stop looking at pornography like a voyeuristic child.
Chop some wood.
Pound the iron.
Don’t go for a jog like a frail, paltry fat boy, instead go for a sprint like a man.
Stop playing video games and watching sports, go play some real sports.
Violently pursue your goals.
Go to work.
Be a man.
Be the Spartan
Conduct Yourselves Like Men.
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