“For even when we were with you, we commanded you this: If anyone will not work, neither shall he eat.”
2 Thessalonians 3:10
“Then I hated all my labor in which I had toiled under the sun, because I must leave it to the man who will come after me.” – 24 “Nothing is better for a man than that he should eat and drink, and that his soul should enjoy good in his labor. This also, I saw, was from the hand of God”.
Ecclesiastes 2:18
Man must work. Any male who does not work is not a man. Also, do not deceive yourself, just because you clock in to a 9-5 every day does not mean you work. Just because you punch the clock and sit in a pew every Sunday (and even every Wednesday if you are “Super Righteous”) does not make you a Christian. You aren’t doing the work. You are merely radiating heat from your buttocks into the pew you inhabit, and heaven help the person who takes your assigned seat.
You have to work every day. You must put effort into your craft. You must pound the stone every day. Visible progress towards a desirable end-state goal must be visible every single day, otherwise you have wasted the day. To be a sloth is to disgrace your ancestors and to spit in the face of masculinity.
You don’t have to like what you do, you just have to do it. And if it is true that you hate your work, take a good look in the mirror at who is responsible for creating the life you are living. Who you are is the sum total of all the actions you have taken up until this moment. Your job is the result of your career preparation, if you do not like it then fix it.
Most men hate their job because they were lazy in preparing themselves for a good job.
Take some ownership.
If you don’t like your work, then DO something about it. The problem of hating your work can be overcome with additional work directed towards a new career. Hammer the nail. Do the work. Satisfy your soul.
Hammer the Nail

Make progress with at least one task of your day. If you are accustomed to being a sloth for the entire day, scrolling through social media when you should be working, then take a good look at your life, because the odds that it is improving are low. If this is you, stop complaining about how the “little guy can’t get ahead”. If the “little guy” would stop stealing from his employer by spending his hours playing on his phone then the little guy would get ahead. Make one task effective. Do one task better than you have ever done anything in your life and see how you feel. Develop marketable skills. Act in a way that allows you to add value to who you are, because at the end of the day all you have is your name. What is your name worth?
Conduct yourselves like men.
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