As human beings, we are fallible and limited in our knowledge and understanding. Yet, in our daily lives, we often judge others for not knowing something, even when they have not been taught it. When it comes to matters of faith, religion, and the moral way to act, people of the world simply don’t know any better. Worldly individuals may be judged for their actions, without being given the opportunity to learn and grow.
A prime example of this is the issue of modest dressing in Christianity.
Many parents do not teach their children about modesty, yet the religious world judges kids who were not taught instead of taking the time to teach them these lessons. This approach is counterproductive and fails to acknowledge that individuals can only act on what they know.
Would you be mad at a two-year-old for not knowing how to complete multiplication problems? Of course not – the child can only do that which he/she knows.

Similarly, many people in the secular world use profane language, and are often judged harshly by the religious community. However, we must remember that these individuals may simply not know that the words they are using are wrong because they have not been taught. Rather than judging them, we should seek to educate and help them learn.
In fact, as responsible members of society, it is our duty to teach and educate others, rather than simply judge and condemn. This is particularly true when it comes to matters of faith and morality, where our actions can have a profound impact on the lives of others. And where the actions of others have an eternal impact on their own souls.
Of course, none of this is to excuse people of the world for the way they are acting. Sin is sin and God holds us to account for it.
But it is to say that we as Christians are the ones who bear the responsibility of helping people learn the truth so they can have those sins blotted out through the process of salvation. We cannot judge them if we are unwilling to teach them the truth. But if we teach them the truth, they reject it and continue to live their own lives, at that point they are subject to the judgement of God.
The Process of Salvation:
Hear the Word of God.
Believe it.
Repent of your wrong actions.
Confess Christ.
Be Baptized in water symbolizing Christ’s blood.
Live Faithfully.
Teaching others is not only important for their growth and development, but it is also critical to our own growth and development as individuals.
By helping others to learn and grow, we also gain a deeper understanding of the issues at hand and strengthen our own faith and convictions.
We cannot blame people for not knowing something, especially if they have not been taught it. They don’t know any better. Judging and condemning others for their lack of knowledge or understanding is unproductive. Instead, we must take the responsibility to teach and educate others, particularly in matters of faith and morality. By doing so, we not only help others to grow and develop, but we also strengthen our own faith and convictions.