Vigilance is commonly thought of as a defensive position, but it is also offensive.
“Be sober, be vigilant, for your adversary the devil roams about like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour”.
1 Peter 5:8
Be watchful of the enemy, for the enemy is watchful of you. He is patiently waiting for you to show signs of weakness, for you to show just one chink in your armor or one moment where you are tired so he can destroy you. The enemy lies in wait to shed blood. He waits for your focus to waiver.
If you are not watchful, you will be utterly destroyed.
You examine the battlefield and examine the enemy, so that when you notice a situation is odd, you can destroy the temptation before it can even start.
“If I think an enemy is going to attack me – I’m going to attack them first.
Jocko Willink, Discipline Equals Freedom Field Manual
If I think they are going to seize a piece of terrain – I am going to be there waiting for them.
If I think the enemy is going to flank me – too late – I’m already flanking them”
Weak men are never aware of their surroundings and are destroyed. Their destruction may not be apparent to them because it is a slow developing disease that manifests itself in the lack of progression and growth of the individual. “Maintenance” is just modulated decay.
A person can be consumed by the enemy and still walk around thinking everything is fine. It is a pain free, symptomless disease. The enemy lives a parasitic existence feeding on the host – the beta male. The enemy does not need to ruin your career, marriage and perfect church attendance streak to destroy you, instead he just needs to keep you from moving forward and improving.
“It is funny how mortals always picture us as putting things into their minds: in reality our best work is done by keeping things out.”
C.S. Lewis, The Screwtape Letters
Be vigilant so that you can recognize the signs, and avoid the trap of the weak minded boys in the Church. Improvement is the best way to fend off evil, and vigilance manifests itself in the flexibility of the individual, and his willingness to change all his current plans to crush the enemy.
I am aware, I am vigilant

Vigilance is a variation on consciousness. While consciousness aims to be more aware in life in general, vigilance aims to be more conscious and aware of the enemy and his position on the battlefield. So look for the enemy. Be aware of the situations that look like traps.
Co-workers gossiping by the water cooler? Trap.
Alone with your girlfriend? Trap.
Alone with your computer? Trap.
These traps must be planned for in advance because you want to crush them when they appear.
Avoid the water cooler.
Double date.
Install filters.
The tactics are not difficult to understand. Application is difficult. Crush the enemy and utterly drive him from the face of the earth.
Conduct Yourselves like Men.