1 – Job Security is an Illusion
“Johnny, you should go to college and get a degree, that way you can get a good, secure job”. Can we see now how that is total nonsense? This virus has eliminated many jobs. Spartan Christians have been preaching for years that there is no such thing as “job security” (and this topic will be an important part of the book when it is complete).
There is no Job security when two little words can cut off your only source of income (i.e. – “You’re Fired”). There is no job security when your job could be performed by a robot. The only reason a robot is not doing your job is because you are already cheaper. There is no job security for the college degree holder when more than one-million bachelor’s degrees are awarded per year. There is only the illusion of job security because society has been relatively safe and stable for decades.
In fact, society is so safe that even the most pathetic beta males can find women to mate with and pass on their inferior genes to the next generation.
Society is so stable that men with no marketable skills can find work and survive, at least until that stability is reduced.
When reality hits a world softened by leisure, everything that is not of immediate and readily apparent value is shut down. Pandemics show the world who is truly valuable, and who is a cog. Men can live without fast food, they can live without sports and entertainment, they can live without social recreation.
Men cannot live without food, water and shelter. This basic fact is forgotten by men who indulge in leisure and constant pleasure.
There is no Job security for anyone who relies on others for any form of income. One can only hope that this Virus will teach men to diversify their income streams, store up a nest egg in case of emergency, increase his value to society by acquiring marketable skills and work in a field that is not affected by disease or do work that can be completed from home.
2 – Physical Security is an Illusion
People’s physical health is being ripped from them, but the real problem is mass panic. This virus has revealed to most individuals how they truly lack any power over their circumstances. Humans desire personal power of circumstance, but that power and control is just an illusion. We allow ourselves to believe that we are “running the show” when, in fact, we “run” nothing.
How easily it seems that life can be taken from us is a solemn reminder that we can do very little to alter our state and circumstances, and that any little microscopic organism could kill us.
Usually we only get those small, fleeting, harrowing moments where we have a near-death experience and our life flashes in front of our eyes. Those instances last only for a few seconds or even a few hours at most, and for this reason we forget the lessons we learned in those experiences. This virus may last a few months; the benefit of that would be a much longer exposure to a “near-death” event that results in more deeply ingrained lessons of life. The lessons from near death experience that normally are gone by morning may actually last. Hopefully there will be some mental scar tissue from this event to remind us that we have no physical security. Life, food and possessions can be taken away in mere weeks. Do not trust in the illusion of physical security.
3 – Men are Soft and Unprepared For War
Men have had not needed to truly exercise strength and masculinity, and have therefore become soft. Being manly is optional in the 21st century. Most men cannot hunt, clean animals or sterilize water. They cannot perform the most basic functions necessary for survival because they have never needed to. This virus can teach us to learn skills that are valuable when madness ensues across a land and panic overtakes the mind of even the most reasonable man.
Will we learn from the Virus?
it’s very likely that we will actually learn very little once this pandemic has passed.
Why is that?
Because people have not really lost anything nor have they suffered. People have to stay home, cook their own meals and, heaven forbid, raise their own children, but they have not truly suffered. Because as stated by Creek Stewart during his interview with The Art of Manliness, people have not lost access to Food, Water, Electricity or healthcare. We have essentially lost nothing. Sure, some people have died, but most are unaffected. We have lost nothing therefore we cannot expect to improve. The worst thing most people are dealing with is having to hang around their families for multiplied hours.
The majority of men will learn nothing, and as a result will be unprepared when the next disaster strikes.