“Let no one despise you for your youth, but set the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity.”
1 Timothy 4:12
“Rejoice, O young man, in your youth, and let your heart cheer you in the days of your youth. Walk in the ways of your heart and the sight of your eyes. But know that for all these things God will bring you into judgment.”
Ecclesiastes 11:9
Youth is the painful transition from childhood to adulthood. In the minds of the youth, life goes from bad to worse. Childhood was great, adolescence is uncomfortable, and adulthood is a living nightmare. Where is all the joy that the Church talks about?
This realization that for most people life goes downhill causes the youth up to making all kinds of errors. Youth is a chance to get ahead of everyone around you, but most young people squander it. Instead of trying to make progress, most young men try to dilute the pain of becoming adults. They try to make everything they experience less painful and more pleasurable. It is as if the id resurfaces to be just as prominent as it was when they were toddlers. Chances are that young men who try to take the edge off early will continue on that habit.
Remember: Weak men take the edge off. Strong men get the edge.
All around you, males are wasting their time.
They chase girls to no profitable end.
They squander hours on social media.
Males waste weeks looking at porn.
They attempt moronic stunts in order to climb the dominance hierarchy.
For these reasons, any and all progress you make in your own life puts you light years ahead of the competition.
You don’t waste your time.
You get up early and read or write.
Every day you train your body.
Every day you train your mind.
You practice your instruments and you study.
Consistently you gain knowledge and wisdom.
You memorize huge portions of scripture.
Over time this constructive use of time will add up to be the differential between a failed beta male in a pew, and you – a masculine Spartan Christian. All the incredibly masculine men you look up to are nothing more than the cumulative result of the small masculine actions they have taken. They took good action early in life and ended as an inspiration.
Most males take poor action and are forgotten or despised. You must be a man. It is your responsibility to be disciplined and focused at all times. You must never give any room or foothold to the devil. You must be masculine always. Do not waste your youth. Get ahead of the curve. Be a man.
Get the edge while there is time

Most likely you wasted your youth. There is still time for improvement. Never get to a point in life where you look back and wish you had spent your time in a wiser manner and as a result you never change anything in the present moment.
If you are young, get to work right now. You have time on your side in developing key traits of character and manhood that most never develop. The traits and characteristics outlined in this book are idealistic descriptions of the most masculine man possible.
Apply lessons and ideals.
Read books.
Gain knowledge.
Build skill.
Acquire marketable ability.
Gain one positive, masculine characteristic at a time. Once the masculine trait is automated, then you add another. This is how you use youth to your advantage. This is how you use any time to your advantage. Take advantage of the compound interest of a well invested youth. You must always make progress, this is mandatory.
Conduct Yourselves Like Men.
Very nicely put. Tell your sons this.