The Church never dies, is simply relocates. Many older Americans are paranoid about the fate of the country, and have made the mistake of intertwining the fate of Christianity with the fate of America.
This is absurd and Christians should know better. Take a good look as history, gentlemen.
Every time the home base nation for Christianity has fallen, Christianity has not fallen with it, but has simply relocated to another nation.
Throughout the Old Testament God’s people wandered from place to place until settling in Canaan. They went through several judges before they switched over to kings. Kings came and went and the nation rose and fell yet Israel remained God’s chosen nation.
This would continue until the Birth and Christ and the Church. Israel and Judaism would be obliterated with the destruction of the tempt in A.D. 70 and Christianity would eventually be named as the national religion of Rome (only after extreme levels of persecution from Romans).
Judaism was replaced by Christianity, and God’s chosen religion merely changed locations and forms.
Christianity relocated.
Over time Rome became rank with debauchery, the men became soft and weak and Rome would fall. The world power was toppled and small nations like the Byzantine empire resulted from what once was a great power.
What happened to Christianity in that time of Rome’s destruction? It remained alive. The Church grew and eventually would migrate into European country.
The Church would be spread out over England and remain there until the discovery of the new world. A little over a hundred years later the American colonies would be settled and begin to grow.
Over time people in America would grow tired of the regulation on religion and be disgusted with the church of England. Many of them left England to go to the colonies for this very reason.
Men decided that God was not being worshiped correctly so they left to have space where they could worship in spirit and truth.
America would eventually cut ties with England which sparked the revolutionary war. The American Revolution was not really a revolution. Most revolutions involve the attempt to overthrow the government of the nation. Americans simply wanted to go off and make their own nation instead, but the English would not have it. Thus a war began with the battles of Lexington and Concord. The war would end in British surrender, which marked the beginning of the end of England as a world power, and Britain would lose many other lands they “owned”. (They would also lose those lands because they become weak with political correctness). Christianity relocated to Britain, it was never damaged or destroyed. The Kingdom the relocated to America.
The Kingdom lives forever.
Now we are in the year 2019, America is becoming more evil and debauchery is praised. America looks much like the final Generation of Rome before its great downfall. However, this should not make us fear for the Church, because we can see through history that the Church has never fallen. The Kingdom has never been destroyed, it has simply relocated to more fertile ground.
Christianity is growing exponentially in Africa, and it may be that the next home base for Christians is the massive desert continent below Europe. And that would be just fine. It does not matter where the Hub of the Kingdom is while we are still on the earth, it only matters that there is a Kingdom, and it has never been damaged or destroyed by wars or the destruction of nations. The Kingdom lives forever, and it will thrive wherever necessary.
So do not lose heart. The Church will never end, the Kingdom will never die. We will simply move to the place where we are most able to worship God in Spirit and in Truth.