

Proverbs 19:20- “Listen to advice and accept instruction, that you may gain wisdom in the future.”

Proverbs 12:15- “The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but a wise man listens to advice.”

Proverbs 18:15 – “An intelligent heart acquires knowledge, and the ear of the wise seeks knowledge.”

Proverbs 17:27-28 – “Whoever restrains his words has knowledge, and he who has a cool spirit is a man of understanding. Even a fool who keeps silent is considered wise; when he closes his lips, he is deemed intelligent.”

There are two main types of wisdom that people think exist: earthly wisdom and spiritual/heavenly wisdom.

Earthly wisdom comes from man, perhaps most notably from ancient philosophers and writers who have passed on what they have learned in life. Stoicism, teachings of Confucius, and existentialism are examples of earthly wisdom. Earthly wisdom does not always come from a spiritual thinker, and earthly wisdom is not always wrong, contrary to what people in the church think. Spiritual wisdom is what comes from spiritual teaching. For Christians, this is the Bible and the writers of the Word.

Both spiritual and earthly wisdom are valuable, contrary to what you hear in the Church.

In fact, if you look deeply into earthly teachings, you will see connections to the spiritual teachings you have heard your whole life. Any real truth we extract from ancient writings, if it is really truth, must be somehow connected to the Word of God if we believe that the Bible is truth. All wisdom is connected.

“If you know the way broadly, you will see it in all things” ~ Miyamoto Musashi

Wisdom can be instruction on how to live, how to conduct yourself while you are among men.

Wisdom is also used to describe another person. They are wise if they behave and think in a certain manner. Wise men know how to use patience, they have cultivated it over a lifetime. These men know to look deeply at a situation, to analyze it before they search for a solution. Wise men understand that problems are temporary situations that lead to the growth of the individual.

Have you noticed that most of the wise men you know are generally quiet men?

They use few words because they need few words. Wise men let their actions speak for them, and they understand that the man who talks much knows little and thinks little.

The stereotype of a wise man is an ancient fellow with a long beard who speaks in vague, ominous  phrases. This image did not appear magically, all stereotypes originate from truth. The wise man is eventually thought to be crazy, until his strange, vague/prophetic sayings turn out to have some truth to them; such is the benefit of speaking vaguely about the future. To be wise, be silent. You must be wise, for there are very few wise men in the Church today.


Think much, speak little.


The wise man considers all variables before he makes a decision. If it happens that he makes a decision and something happens that he did not expect, he will remember that situation the next time he needs to contemplate an action.

The man who is wise conducts himself in a way that causes the least amount of unnecessary, unprofitable pain to others. A key trait of a man of wisdom is the ability to use foresight in actions. This is the manifestation of all wisdom. The wise man considers well all of his steps and thinks several moves ahead. A wise man is acutely aware of his surroundings in social situations. He places himself in the shoes of others and sees life through their eyes. By doing this he shapes his actions to the personality of the person he is interacting with.

The wise man fears the Lord and therefore behaves righteously. A wise man thinks before he acts in almost all situations. There are very few instances in which action should be taken before it is thoroughly contemplated.

The wise man conducts himself with character and integrity in all that he does.

He is completely honest and forthright with the truth, but he delivers it in such a way that it does not damage the recipient. If the recipient of the truth needs to be struck on the head with truth, then the wise man knows it must be done. Certain personalities need to be beaten over the head with the truth in order to accept it. Others need to have the truth gently placed upon them, and they will absorb it all the same.

The wise man is masculine to his very core, and he knows never to suppress his masculinity, for in its suppression the darkness of man will rise internally. A wise man considers all variables in life at all times, and remains ever vigil to the assault of evil on his mind and thoughts.

The wise man conducts himself like a man, so you must also conduct yourselves like men.

Author: spartanchristianity

Reader, Writer. In response to blatant feminism and the overall feminization of men, Spartan Chrsitainity creates content to fight that absurdity.

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