God is Glorified by YOUR Success

Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.

Matthew 5:15-16

Ask any father when it is that they are proud of their children. No doubt they will tell you that they are proud of their kids when they do well at something. It does not really matter what that something is. They could be doing well in school, sports, or displaying good character. Whatever it is, the father is proud when his kids do well.

Does it then make sense that God the father would be proud of His children when they do well? God is glorified when you do well in life.

When you succeed, the glory goes back to He who made you.

Some people have made it virtuous to aim low in life. This is especially true of modern Christians. These are the people we have talked about before who think success is evil. They also think that poverty is a virtue.

I do not see anything noble associated with aiming low and achieving few successes in life. It does not matter what those successes are. Whatever you can define as success, somewhere you can find a Christian who thinks it is good if you do not reach that successful image.

Instead of aiming high, giving credit to God along the way, they aim low. They think that the less they achieve, the nobler they are. Or that the less money they make, the more spiritual they are. Wealth and spirituality are not inversely correlated.

If you work as hard as you can, you glorify God. This is a biblical principle.

And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance; for[a] you serve the Lord Christ.

Colossians 3:23-24

Bondservants, be obedient to those who are your masters according to the flesh, with fear and trembling, in sincerity of heart, as to Christ; not with eyeservice, as men-pleasers, but as bondservants of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart, with goodwill doing service, as to the Lord, and not to men, knowing that whatever good anyone does, he will receive the same from the Lord, whether he is a slave or free.

Ephesians 6:5-8

God is glorified by your success.

it does not bring glory to God if you aim low in life and achieve very little. Others will look at you and mock you. Every man, religious or secular, has the responsibility to achieve. This is an integral part of man’s nature. It was built into him from the beginning of time. God created you to not just work mindlessly at a 9-5, but to improve and achieve both personally and professionally.

It is not masculine to wallow in failure and lack of success. It is not noble to try to lead others down the same path you are on.


This is one of the many reasons you must be careful about who you allow being your friends. You have to control your circle of influence very carefully. Treat it like your immune system and always be on the lookout for someone who is a parasite.

Parasites are thousands of times smaller than their human hosts, but cause massive problems to the human machine. Negative influences around you are the same way. They must be rigorously controlled, monitored, and modulated.

Do not associate with anyone who promotes the idea that your lack of success is okay. You are not okay just the way you are. That has never been true and it never be will be true. You must at all times be working to cast off your current self and be more.

to put off your former way of life, your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; to be renewed in the spirit of your minds; and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.

Ephesians 4:22-24

Nobility exists in facing our personal insufficiencies and working to correct them. Never content with staying in the same place, we always look for ways to improve our weaknesses. Even if we can only make small progress, that is infinitely more profitable and masculine than making no progress.

Do not let limiting beliefs hold you back from being successful. If some Christian is trying to get you to limit your personal or professional success on the grounds that it is spiritual, get away from them. They have no biblical backing for their belief. They are propagating false doctrine. Only listen to men you admire and want to emulate. And then only listen to those who can back up what they believe with scripture. And not only with scripture, but with rational thinking as well.

It is one thing to quote a verse. It is another thing to be able to quote and think about the bible with a rational mind. Use your own mind to decide what you believe. Never take someone’s word for anything. Make sure everything passes the test of logic so you can be a man. And never limit your success. It is not spiritual, it is fatal.

Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world.

1 John 4:1

Now the Bereans were more noble-minded than the Thessalonians, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if these teachings were true

Acts 17:11

How to have a Strong faith when times are good.

It’s natural to move closer to God when times are bad. Every crisis pushes us back towards religion. What do you do when everything is going your way and you feel the urge to forget the God of the Earth? How do you keep your faith when times are good?

When times are good, we forget God.

“So it shall be, when the Lord your God brings you into the land of which He [a]swore to your fathers, to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, to give you large and beautiful cities which you did not build, 11 houses full of all good things, which you did not fill, hewn-out wells which you did not dig, vineyards and olive trees which you did not plant—when you have eaten and are full— 12 then beware, lest you forget the Lord who brought you out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage. 13 You shall fear the Lord your God and serve Him, and shall take oaths in His name. 14 You shall not go after other gods, the gods of the peoples who are all around you 15 (for the Lord your God is a jealous God among you), lest the anger of the Lord your God be aroused against you and destroy you from the face of the earth.

Deuteronomy 6:10-15

God warned the children of Israel and told them that they would forget Him one day. It is natural for us to do this as humans. When times are good, we think we have everything under control. It is only once a crisis strikes that we remember how helpless we are to many of the circumstances of life.

As much as I advocate taking control of your situation and being in charge, there is still uncertainty in this world. We do not know how the world will be when we wake up tomorrow. And it is in the moments when the world acts contrary to how we think that we remember God.

So how do you have faith when times are good?

I – Get in the habit of remembering God every day.

Start your day by remembering who gave you all the advantages you have.

16 Do not be deceived, my beloved brethren. 17 Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning. 

James 1:16-17

If you have something good in this life, it came from God. You need to remember that you do not have any of your possessions or advantages solely because of your own merit. Now it is certainly true that we have to work for and earn things in this life. There is definitely a certain amount of responsibility that falls on us as men to get out in the world and pursue success. We need to work hard and focus on our goals. But all the while we must remember that God has the final say in this world. We can do nothing apart from Him.

It is our responsibility to work as hard as we can, but to also not forget that it is God who has allowed us to build an extreme work ethic.

II – Remember that at any moment, your fortune could turn against you.

There is nothing certain in this entire world. Do not put any trust in human beings or anything comprised of atoms.
times are good

Never become overly attached to any of the things that are in this world. Do not attach yourself to any of the material things you have.

There is a story of a man who had an immensely valuable teacup. However, as an exercise in stoicism, he behaved as if the teacup were already broken. Every day as he used it, he thought of it as already broken and destroyed. Then one day when it finally did break, he said “Ah, as it always was“. It was not a shock to him because he practiced detachment.

We must be the same way with our own material things. I remember when I purchased my first new vehicle. I engaged in this exercise so I would not become attached to it. Then, one week later when my wife was driving the car and someone ran into the rear bumper, I was not bothered at all. Because since the day I owned it I viewed it as totaled. So it was much easier to tolerate a small fender-bender since I did not overly value the vehicle.

You must get in the habit of viewing everything you have as already lost.

Act as if all your materials have been taken from you. Who are you without them? Only your character remains. And it is from that character that you can rebuild any of the wealth you have currently amassed.

III – Remember God early in your life, before you become successful.

Remember your Creator before the silver cord is [a]loosed,
Or the golden bowl is broken, or the pitcher shattered at the fountain, or the wheel broken at the well.
Then the dust will return to the earth as it was,
And the spirit will return to God who gave it.

Ecclesiastes 12:6-8

It is much easier to remember God during your success and when times are good if you are already in the habit of remembering Him. The earlier you can start this the better. Although it is never too late to start this habit, it will pay better dividends if you can install it earlier.

It is simpler to live a life centered around God as you build success than it is to become successful and then try to build God into your life. You will have better luck by placing God as the priority first than you would in trying to make Him a priority later on.

The priority principle applies to many things in your life. That which is the priority will get the most results. This applies in the simple laboratory of the gym. The muscles you train at the beginning of the workout and at the beginning of the week will get the best focus. You will be fresh and energized, ready to train them. Those muscles placed at the end of the workout and the end of the week will not be the priority. While they still are addressed slightly, they do not get the same benefits that the prioritized muscles get.

Your life is the same way. What gets your best energies and your best focus will be the parts of your life that improve the most.

Do not focus on things that are irrelevant. You must be in the habit of teasing out the most important aspects of life and focusing on them.

Follow those three principles to remember God when times are good. It is easy to rely on God when the world is crashing around us. This is why every terrorist attack in the United States causes the people to band together and remember God. Even the most secular, worldly people in the world will call on the name of God when the situation is dire. We cannot be those people. We have to remember God and focus on Him now while times are good. Do not wait for a crisis to have the proper focus in life.

Atheists Worship Themselves

I – Humans are religious by nature, all of them will worship something.

In the modern world, people have resorted to worshipping the earth, which is the environmentalist movement. Atheists worship themselves. The common man worships sports or his career.

People have worshipped nature, planets and other deities they craft in their minds for thousands of years. It does not matter what it is. If something exists, some group of humans will find a way to turn it into a god and worship it.

It does not matter who you are, you will find a way to worship something and dedicate your very existence to it.

If a man tries to oppose this nature he will be depressed. He will be acutely aware that he is rejecting some integral part of his very nature by trying to worship nothing. Few men ever make it to the point of worshipping nothing. Most people have a religion of some kind.

II – Atheism is a first-world luxury.

Men cannot become atheists without incredible fiscal backing and times of luxury and peace. The same applies to religious and political liberalism. these philosophies exist because man is so well off that he has immense free time to sit around and think about his life and existence. He can then work to rationalize any genre of belief that he wants. This is one of the reasons that there were so few atheists hundreds and thousands of years ago. People were too busy working and dying from diseases to worry about arbitrary rationalizations of the world.

Some atheists want to make it sound like humans have become more rational and scientific over time and this is why there is increased atheism in the world. But this is not true. Not just because atheism violates the laws of science but because it violates the laws of nature as well. People stopped worshipping God or other various gods. Instead, they began worshipping science or the earth.

People never cease to be religious.

The religious nature and the desire for religious experience permeate human nature. It does not matter who you are or what you do, you will always have a religious nature and you will use it to worship something.

Religion overall will always ebb and flow. It will look like it is decaying and then there will be a revival. It will seem as if people are becoming less religious, then some major evil will shock us back to religion.

Wars or major crises in the world shock us out of our complacency and force us to think about the bigger picture. We are forced to think about the things that matter in life. Those things tend to not be the issues proposed by atheists and liberals.

Atheists worship themselves

III – Atheists typically worship themselves. Sometimes they also worship sex, but this is usually just a byproduct of that self-focused worship.

They worship themselves because they place themselves as the highest good to be attained and preserved. Everything they do is for the benefit of the self. While I am in complete support of masculine self-interest, what atheists do does not benefit the group at all.

Usually, if a man takes care of himself, he will indirectly become better for the group (his family/society, etc). But the atheist does not care at all about the group. The atheists would steal food from the group just to preserve their own life.

This is all because atheists worship themselves. This is one of the most basic principles to understand. Remember it and use this knowledge as leverage when you talk to these people.

Enemies are Useful

I – Positive emotions provide nothing.

For true, lasting fuel to motivate your endeavors, you need enemies. When you are knee-deep in the comforts of life and the world, you can forget what made you work hard in the beginning. Sometimes you will not be willing to work hard out of ambition or the desire for gain, sometimes you need more. You need the energy that comes from having an opponent.

Comfort provides no energy. But if you have an enemy, you have a wellspring of eternal energy. There is nothing more motivating than having someone who wants to go to war with you. At that moment you can channel your natural warlike nature and convert it into energy for success.

You do not have to go to war with people directly. That may bother the sensitive conscience of many Christian people. You can, however, use the emotional fuel from that enemy to motivate yourself to success.

Take advantage of the fact that people will inevitably want to go to war with you. If you do this, you will have limitless power. Having an enemy gives you purpose, direction, and a clear-cut destination. Every one of your actions begins to have real meaning. All of your work is energized. What once fatigued you is now nothing more than a bump in the road. Take advantage of the energy reservoir that comes when you are at war.

II – Having an enemy is a part of life.

Sometimes it is a consequence of our poor decisions, other times people just want to go to war with us. There is no need to complain about this because it is actually a useful tool. Use enemies to your advantage.

Look at the stories of David. This was a man at war for his entire life. This was a result of his own actions (2 Samuel 12:10). He wrote many psalms about his enemies. He would write about them surrounding him at all sides. And he would also write about crushing them in battle.

Make no mistake about it, those who hate God and hate our religion are our enemies. They hate the Bible and they hate everything that Christians stand for.


III – Do not make enemies directly unless absolutely necessary.

By biblical law, we need to be at peace with all men, as possible. However, if someone decides to make war with us, we should use that energy to our advantage.

“If possible, so far as it depends on you, live in peace with all people”

Romans 12:18

We should not go out of our way to start wars. But if wars are started against us, we have the right to defend ourselves.

There is this popular notion in Christianty that tries to paint Christians as pacifists. People think that Christians will do nothing as their families are tortured and killed by governments or other enemies. This is not true. Christians have the right to self-defense just as much as anyone else. We should not go out of our way to attack others directly, but we can retaliate to protect ourselves.

Some Christians twist “do not resist an evil person” (Matthew 5:39) to mean that we should never lift a single finger to protect ourselves or others from war. This is not true. We have the right to go to war. Humans will always go to war and we may have to be a part of it. There will be war from now until the end of time, it is in human nature. It is built into the very DNA of men.

You do not have to go to physical war yourself, but you must take advantage of this programming that you have. You need to learn to channel this natural warlike nature into productive pursuits. That Is how you begin using enemies to your advantage.

IV – Be at war with the devil

If it bothers your conscience to wage war with enemies who started a war with you, you have options. We are all at war with the devil and his angels. This is an inescapable part of life. He hates you and wants you to fall, and you are at war with him all the days of your life.

Activate your apparatus of hatred. You were given the emotion of hatred for a reason, for there is a proper use for it. While we should not hate our fellow men, we are to hate sin and the devil. That is the greatest possible outset for this emotion of pure hatred. It is one of the most valuable emotions we have.

Oftentimes the Bible gives parameters around hot emotions such as anger. For example:

“Be angry and do not sin” ~ Ephesians 4:26

We are allowed to experience these emotions, but they must be controlled. Using our hatred and directing it towards sin and the devil is the parameter that we must follow.

V – Recognize Camoflagued Emenies

We have more enemies than we think we do. This is a sad and unfortunate reality, but we need to be aware of it. Others hate us and we may never know it, but we should be on the lookout for it.

Even inside religion, there are people who teach principles that oppose what we know to be true from the Bible. They teach that the Bible does not mean what it says. Or they teach that there is no need for you to behave with the extreme discipline that you do.

Either way, they are teaching contrary to what the Bible teaches. Paul writing to the church at Galatia has the following to say about the men who teach principles that oppose the Bible:

“As we have already said, so now I say again: If anybody is preaching to you a gospel other than what you accepted, let them be under God’s curse!”

Galations 1:9

That sounds like a serious bit of phraseology. The Bible makes it clear that those who teach another gospel are cursed. They are our enemies, and there is no way around this.

Because of this, we should work hard to understand the true principles of God so we can crush these arguments. Notice I do not say we should crush the people making the arguments, but rather the arguments themselves.

Crushing others directly does nothing but give us a few seconds of satisfaction. But we set ourselves back by damaging the relationship and damaging rapport. When it comes to people who are already religious, we have to be more careful with how we handle them. They may not know that they are fighting for the enemy with the things they are teaching and preaching.

Take advantage of your enemies. You are going to have them all the days of your life. All you can do is make the best of it.

Conduct Yourselves Like Men.

Liberalism is the Planet Fitness of Faith

Popular gym franchise Planet Fitness has made a name for itself by providing affordable training grounds to the common man. The business model is genius. Owners can expect upwards of 2000 people to register for their $10 per month membership. At the same time, the total capacity of each gym is actually a fraction of the membership number.

Planet fitness functions and profits as a business because most of the members never show up to train. And the membership fee is so low that it would be more of an annoyance to drop the membership than to just passively allow a few dollars per month to come out of your bank.

I have nothing against that business model. It is brilliant. Trap human beings between their own laziness. Too lazy to train and too lazy to cancel the membership to the gym they never use.

Besides the business model, the culture and mentality of Planet Fitness are one of no judgment and no excellence. You are allowed to do whatever you want and look however you want without being punished for it.

All this makes planet fitness look a lot like religious liberalism. Here are a few reasons why planet fitness is liberalism incorporated.

I – It is a “no-judgment zone” – where people are very judgemental to those who are on the outside.

Like many of the modern groups who espouse tolerance and goodwill towards your fellow man, they can engage in some serious hate towards those who are outside of their group.

I’ve rarely met people more hateful than homosexuals, liberals, and ethnic people, yet they sling accusations of “hate crimes” at everyone who so much as looks at them funny. This is arguably another one of the projections of liberalism. You hate that which you truly are.

Just like Planet fitness tries to create a judgment-free zone, churches of liberalism do the same thing. They do not want to be judged for anything but will judge you with vicious intensity if you speak one wrong word to them.

They talk about grace mercy and peace, but if you decide you want a lifestyle that involves a little more discipline and effort, you are ridiculed. “Everyone is going to heaven“, except the people who take the harder paths.

Planet fitness

II – No accountability

Even though I am not a fan of accountability as a long-term intervention for enforcing good behavior, its usefulness as a short-term tool is apparent. The church of liberalism is uninterested in accountability. They are uninterested in it because it requires two things that the effeminate men of this world hate: a standard of behavior and confrontation.

Accountability requires a clear-cut definition of what is right, what is wrong, and of a man’s duty and responsibility. It also requires us to hold one another’s feet to the fire when we are failing to live up to that standard. It is for this reason that for all the time we spend talking about accountability, no one ever enforces it.

No one holds his brother accountable because most people care more about being liked than they care about their brother. This sounds dark and cynical, but it is true. If “He who spares the rod hates his son“, then he who spares the confrontation component of accountability hates his brother.

III -No personal standard of excellence

As mentioned before, the church of liberalism has no personal standard of excellence. “You are perfect just the way you are, bro“, each man says to his friends as they collapse into a bro hug complete with the tears of pseudo-repentance.

When you decide to become a Christian, you accept that there is a certain standard of behavior you are expected to maintain. As much as the church of liberalism hates to think about it, there are several “Thou Shalt Nots” and “Thou Shalts” involved in Christianity. There is a degree of discipline that you must have at all times if you are to maintain your faith properly.

The church of liberalism hates this because they are not interested in working and improving. Their philosophy is one of hippie-like laziness and complacency. They see no need to improve, so they waste no time doing so.

The reality is that Christianity has a hard standard of behavior. It requires discipline to maintain the lifestyle and not everyone can handle that. Everyone understands that reality. Just like not everyone can handle the discipline required to train the body and improve themselves, so they go to a place where they do not actually have to train, where they do not actually have to improve themselves, and where they are accepted and even applauded for doing so.

The church of liberalism is the same – They do not want to work to improve themselves. They are uninterested in personal discipline, but they still want to get all the good emotional feelings associated with the church they have transformed into a social club.

IV – No congruent lifestyle decisions – pizza night

Planet Fitness has pizza nights on occasion. Basically, pizza nights celebrate the antithesis of what the building is supposed to be encouraging. Instead of promoting personal improvement, they promote blatant hypocrisy and the celebration of that hypocrisy. They reward people for pretending to work out by feeding them food in direct opposition to their goals.

The church of liberalism also does the same, by celebrating failures and encouraging and rewarding you for failing to live up to your standards of behavior. Not only do they not even work to try to improve themselves, but they actually wallow in the failure and turn it into a pity party.

I’m sure you can think of more ways that the church of liberalism is like planet fitness, and feel free to leave those in the comments section below.

Conduct yourselves like men.

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