You Don’t Outgrow The Fear of Hell

I’ve heard it said that “As you mature in your Christian walk you will be less motivated by the fear of hell and more motivated by a desire to go to heaven.”

This is patently untrue.

And frankly, it is a ridiculous statement that has no foundation in the teachings of the Bible.

Let’s tear this idea to pieces.

The Core

To suggest that one form of motivation [heaven v. hell] is more righteous than another is pharisaical – it is something self-righteous individuals try to bind on others as a religious requirement.

Old Pharisees told the common man that he had to perform specific rituals to be righteous. And those rituals were not found in the Law of God.

Modern Pharisees say you have to be motivated specifically like them if you want to be righteous. You have to feel specific feelings [including the feeling of motivation] to be righteous.

And as we start dissecting this theory, it falls apart immediately.

Motivations differ wildly between people.

What motivates you will not motivate me. and that is perfectly fine. There is nothing wrong with this.

First, the claim that as you mature you will be more motivated by heaven than by hell is unfounded because there is no biblical backing for this idea.

And that really should be the end of the discussion. If there is no biblical backing for an idea, it is just speculation and personal perspective.

And that is all this idea is: speculation and perspective.

Not fact.
Not reality.
Not Bible-based teaching.

Just the whimsical idea of some college-aged Bible major who doesn’t want to be afraid of hell because “it doesn’t feel good”.

If God wanted us to be less motivated by fear of hell over time, He would have stated it.

Everything God wants us to do is clearly articulated in scripture. Everything we do in faith is articulated for us [Rom 10:17].

Second, if God was interested in us being unmotivated by hell and more motivated by heaven, then God the Son would not have spent far more time preaching about hell than heaven.

The New Testament teachings of Christ are riddled with warnings about hellfire. Over and over again Christ makes the reality of hell a regular part of His teachings.

Why do you think He does that?

Because hell is MOTIVATING!

Who wants to go to this place called hell as described in the Bible literature? Not a single soul would choose to go there.

The descriptions of hell are vivid. They do generate fear.

But they push the Christians to remain obedient to the commands of God and faithful to the system God has set up.

Hell is operations just as it should have – as a motivator for everyone who is still alive.

Third, hell and heaven are simple motivators operating on the basic human drives – the desire to avoid pain and seek pleasure.

We want to avoid the pain of hell and seek the pain of heaven.

Just like in regular life, either pleasure or pain will motivate us more than the other.

The ratio of motivation will shift day to day, week to week, and year to year. With different seasons of life come different motivating factors. What motivates the young man may not motivate the old man as much.

But the old man should never be so arrogant to think that his specific portfolio of motivation is the correct one.

Neither should the young man, for that matter.

Do not worry about how your motivations portfolio looks right now. It will change over time and will never be consistent.

All that matters is if you consistently obey the commands and teachings of God. What motivates you to obey is essentially irrelevant based on all available biblical metrics.

Fourth, heaven and hell are not zero-sum motivators – they complement one another.

The motivations to avoid hell and pursue heaven are not opposed. In fact, they are complimentary drives.

We do our best when we simultaneously run from pain and chase down pleasure.

The combination of the motivations leads to the best outcomes.

It does not matter if you are more motivated by heaven or hell or vice versa. All that matters is that you do what is right.

Anyone who suggests that being more motivated by heaven is more noble, righteous, or mature is simply making up nonsense that is not found in scripture.

“Don’t Sound a Trumpet” – Lesson Response

The following are a few notes and comments I made from a sermon that is available to you online on the topic of “Put down your trumpet”. It includes some interesting points that I believe are worth noting. I hope you find it interesting. 

42:45 – 43:16 – Does it matter why we do something? The speaker suggests yes because it “causes problems later”. Here is the Transcript from this timestamp:

Does it matter why we do what we do or does it just matter that we do the right thing? Well I guess you could ask this in a number of different settings couldn’t you? 

If you asked within a marriage to a husband or a wife does it matter what you do in a marriage or does it matter why you do it?

I think every husband and every wife would say of course it matters why my husband or why my wife is doing something. I don’t just want them to do the right thing I want them to do it for the right reason”.

I think” – Note that this is not a fact. This is what the speaker thinks. Based not on reason but emotion. He begins to make a point about what a wife or husband would want. I suppose this is an attempt to translate it into something God would want. For example, “If a wife or husband acts this way then God would act this way too”. This is not a position supported by scripture [Is. 55:8]. 

Right Reason” – The speaker refuses to define what the right reason is. Who has the boldness to define such a thing? What is the reason? We seldom take time to define the “right reason” because it would require some combination of biblical evidence and rationality – something we try to avoid in religion if we can. A biblical bit of evidence for this entire cited section is lacking. Not that the evidence is not there, but this is something to note. 

What about some comments on rules and motivation?

43:21-43:53In a family does it matter why a mother and a father give rules? Does it matter why they discipline? Does it matter why they give their children structure? It certainly does. Because the wrong motivation can lead to to some wrong things occurring in that family. Within that same family, does it matter why children obey or does it just matter that they do what they’re told? Well, it certainly matters why – because if they’re not obeying for the right reasons then that obedience is certainly not what God’s looking for.

Let’s analyze a few of the statements made here.

The wrong motivation can lead to some wrong things occurring in that family”. I always enjoy when a speaker takes the following stance “Well if you don’t do it my way, then bad things will happen later. I won’t specify them, but they are things, and they are very, very bad”. It is very common for a speaker to take this stance when discussing sexual discipline. “Don’t have sex before marriage or baaad, very bad things will happen“. This may be true, but the fact that the “problems” are not specified and then the cause of those problems is not identified nor the progression from faulty motivation to negative outcome analyzed, this statement is relegated to opinion.

That obedience is certainly not what God is looking for”. Well, then what type of obedience is God looking for? Again, what are the so-called “right reasons”? If these are not specified, the entire speech runs into problems because underlying motivation is a core tenant of the speech. But we cannot make assumptions about that topic. But because the speaker does not address the topic, we can only assume.

I also enjoy when people speak for God without BCV [book chapter verse]. If you are going to say God is or is not looking at something, you better immediately back it up with scripture or you are speaking in the place of God without authorization.

Again, this is a doctrinal matter when we start to talk about acceptable and unacceptable forms of obedience – and it demands a “God Said”. 

Jeremiah 23:16 – “Thus says the Lord of hosts:

“Do not listen to the words of the prophets who prophesy to you.
They make you worthless;
They speak a vision of their own heart,
Not from the mouth of the Lord.

When it comes to our actions, it is possible to do:

  1. Good things for the bad/wrong reasons.
  2. Good things for good/right reasons. 
  3. Bad things for the good/right reasons.
  4. Bad things for bad/wrong reasons.

These are the 4 possible permutations of this viewpoint. Perhaps there can also be combinations of motivations, which is an intellectually rigorous topic that will not be discussed here. 

To analyze the motivations/intents etc. behind actions is of secondary importance as opposed to looking at the outcomes or actions themselves. This is not binary thinking – I am not suggesting that motivations do not matter at all. What I am suggesting is a hierarchy, where the actions themselves are primary and the intentions/motivations are secondary. 

I understand that there is a delineation between the old and new laws of the Bible. While the old law focused primarily on the action of the individual, the new law focuses on a person’s attitude and inner person, their thinking center, in conjunction with their actions [because a person’s action will show his heart – Matt 15].

I’m not suggesting an OT style of what might be labeled legalism by the uninformed. At the risk of seeming to be a reductionist, I am suggesting that when a person’s intentions, motivations, attitude, or heart may seem to be opposing what he wants to do, as in temptation, it is his actions that are most important. 

Does it matter if your intentions were good if you fail to resist temptation?

Does it matter what you were motivated by or the reason behind why you did something if you failed in the end? No, because at the end of the day you failed, you sinned.

On the other hand: what if I do what’s right despite my intention and motivations?

What if I hold on to righteousness by the skin of my teeth through vicious spiritual warfare [Eph 6]?

What if I’m very motivated to do what’s wrong yet I do what’s right anyways out of love for God?

Or what if I’m very tempted and have a strong desire to sin, but even though I’m not feeling the so-called “loving” emotion at the time, out of an obedient, action-based love for God I keep his commandments [John 14:15, 21]? 

As you can see there are times when intentions or motivations are opposed to the righteousness of God and to the lives He requires us to live.

Nevertheless, it is primarily our actions that determine rightness. Actions again are primary while intentions are merely “a shadow of the thing, but not the very image of the thing”. 

It perturbs Me when speakers come to moral conclusions without biblical evidence or logical sequencing of events. If someone dares to place a moral requirement on members of the church, he better do so with the explicit authorization of God as evidenced by scripture – the BCV. 

It is critical to understand this point about the Bible, and about placing religious requirements on individuals, that each of those requirements has the authorization of the word of God. 

Doctrinal matters demand a “God said”. Without “God Said” in conjunction with a logical argument, the religious requirements placed on individuals are relegated to the category of “Opinion”. Worse yet, they should be relegated to the category “doctrines of men”, which by biblical definition constitute vain worship [Matt 15:9]

48:50 – 49:04:Beware of practicing your righteousness [that’s an entire category of good works that you and I might do publicly or maybe even privately]. Beware of practicing your righteousness –  this is not the righteousness that that the Holy Spirit helps us develop in our lives that’s kind of inward righteousness, or the righteousness that God attributes to us when we obey the gospel.

The speaker also makes a comment about inward righteousness that one develops inwardly with the assistance of the Holy Spirit. Unless the speaker means that the Holy Spirit assists the individual through the word of God, then He has no evidence for his statement. Because the only way the Spirit works today is through the word of God. That is the only way the Spirit works that we have biblical evidence for [Heb 4:12, Eph 6:17] which means that all other alleged ways He is claimed to be operating are relegated again to the category of opinion.

If I do not have a book chapter and verse for what I believe, it is an opinion.

While there is nothing wrong with opinions, and we have to use discretion and logic regarding non-black-and-white issues in the scripture, we still have to be careful to not pass off our opinions as biblical facts. 

50:14 – 52:25 –  “When you give to the needy – did you see that? When you give to the needy. Not if. There’s an assumption being made here by Jesus. The idea of being generous to the poor and the needy, especially among God’s Own people is something that is all through scripture from beginning to end. You certainly find it commanded in the law of Moses and we don’t have time to list all of those passages, but Exodus chapter 23:10-11; Leviticus chapter 10:10; Deuteronomy 15:7-11; etc etc. The law commands generosity to the poor and needy in a variety of ways. The prophets reminded God’s people about the necessity of this in places like Amos chapter 2:6-7; Isaiah 3:14-15; Ezekiel chapter 16:49. We’re reminded of it in Proverbs in the wisdom literature Proverbs 14:31; Proverbs 21;13.

Jesus taught about it His teaching about it. Here he teaches about it in Luke chapter 6:37-38; Matthew 19:21; Mark 14:7. And you certainly see it in the life of the first-century Christian in the first-century Church, don’t you? We see it in Acts chapter 2; Acts chapter 4; James chapter 2:14-16; First John 3:17-18. So it’s an assumption that God’s people are going to give to the needy. And so when Jesus talks about this he’s not saying ‘you really need to be giving to the needy’ – they’re already doing that. In fact, even people who did not even believe in Jesus were practicing this. They were giving alms. They were giving to the poor and needy. That’s an assumption. We’re going to come back to that in just a moment but Jesus assumes that everyone’s doing this. The problem is their motivation they’re doing this before people in order to be seen by them

Regarding point B on the PowerPoint: The assumption. 

The speaker begins to talk about this passage, Matthew 6:1-4 and describes the fact that there is an underlying assumption that Christians will be giving to the poor and needy. Especially those of the household of faith. And I would agree with that statement.

What I don’t agree with is an Inception-style assumption within the assumption. So often you hear speakers today talk about the poor and needy and they’re often indirectly or even directly describing the people you might come across in the street or on highways. I have known of some speakers to even make it a point to suggest that you are neglecting a Christain duty if you drive past the panhandler on the highway. They then place some moral judgment on you based on how you view those people and what you do for those people.

Here’s the problem: these speakers have no idea if those people are actually poor or needy.
The assumption within the assumption is that panhandlers are actually poor.

But as I state frequently, those so-called poor and needy are often better off financially than most of the members of the congregation that are being shamed for not supporting those allegedly poor, needy people. 

Panhandlers have a good business going, and they’re providing value to people who give them money. This is a point in and of itself and a side note that deserves further elaboration.

I’ve often wondered why panhandlers and loiterers receive so much money. I wonder this because my underlying belief has always been that if a person receives money he/she must be providing something of value in return. And what value are panhandlers providing?

This question disturbed me for some time until a potential answer became quite clear. People aren’t just giving these loiterers money. No, people giving money are purchasing the right to feel good about themselves. It’s Self-Interest.
They are purchasing a feeling of altruism. They are purchasing the freedom from the guilt they feel when they ignore those panhandlers.

Panhandlers allow donors to lift their spirits and feel morally superior to those who don’t mindlessly donate money. Not that everyone behaves or thinks this way after giving money, but it is a common theme among religious people.

Giving money to the allegedly homeless person provides you with the feeling that you are righteous. And that’s what you’re doing. You’re attempting to purchase righteousness.

It’s not about helping another person primarily, it’s about the emotional and spiritual elevation of the self with the secondary benefit of doing a good deed. Whether or not this is done on a conscious level is irrelevant – because this is based on an analysis of human nature. We are pleasure-seeking and pain-avoiding organisms. We seek to avoid the pain of guilt we feel when we drive by those people and seek the pleasure we feel from giving them money. It is an emotional proposition all the way around. 

When it comes to the discussion on generosity, and being generous to people, giving of our means, it is important to note that this first extends to people inside the faith.

Being taken care of by religious people is first and foremost one of the benefits of being religious yourself. The religious community is a tight-knit community and they take care of one another. This is one of the benefits of belonging to a religious group – Other people will take care of you when you need it and you have a responsibility to take care of them when they need it. However, this benefit should not be blindly applied to everyone outside the religious community.

Obviously, as resources allow, people outside the community of the religious can and should be taken care of with the application of discretion, but not before the religious themselves have been taken care of – and certainly not without encouraging those people to join the religious community.

You can’t blindly provide people with food and expect them to join the religion. You are just training them to look for a handout.

If they’re getting all the benefits of religion without being a part of religion what is the incentive for them? People will respond to incentives.

55:29 – 55:54 – “What’s the compensation for that what are you going to get out of that? Well, that’s where Jesus says you will have no reward from your father who is in heaven. Later on the same passage, ‘they have received their reward’. In other words, the reward that you get [and there is one] but the reward that you get when you seek the praise of other people for doing good works terminates on itself. That’s it.

Regarding point E: “Compensation”.

Indeed, everything we do has a reward. everything we do provides us with something or we wouldn’t do it.

Or it provides us the opportunity to even further maximize the benefit in the future of the process of delayed gratification. We as human beings respond to incentives – and this is a good point.

59:55 – 1:00:25 “But let’s move on to what probably is a bigger issue for most of us, and that’s the issue of motivation and sounding a trumpet. The Pharisees are a bold and extreme example of this, but I believe Jesus is encompassing every kind of hypocrisy that this would involve – right down to [listen to this] the secret desire to have all of our Good Deeds discovered and praised by other people.

I believe” – Again, what we have is a personal opinion stated without an accompanying “God said”. The speaker does not provide the BCV for this opinion. And he is again committing what I believe to be the intellectual crime of binding moral, and religious requirements on people without the requisite authority. That is not to say the authority for his statement is not in the scripture, but rather that he simply does not cite his authority here while binding a moral requirement on others.

The secret desire” – The speaker makes the following Point by asking the crowd if we sound a trumpet before our good deeds. He then talks about the secret desire to be seen. I see this frequently in speakers, who condemn the very desire of a thing rather than the thing itself. And maybe that has merit. certainly, there are times we need to analyze behavior to eliminate it down to the very root which would be the desire. But overly demonizing the desire misses the entire point of what it means to resist temptation.

Temptation comes primarily from desire, we learned that in James chapter 1.

We are constantly fighting the desire, the want, the temptation [all synonyms] to do what’s wrong. How many times do we choose God out of loving obedience, yet our emotions and desires pull us toward sin? What would demonstrate greater love to God, that our desire is for Him and that we don’t desire evil at all, or that we have a strong pull towards sin yet out of love we still choose God? It seems to me the latter would be the most noble. Accidental goodness is not better than hard-fought righteousness. 

There’s no honor, no nobility, in resisting temptation if we aren’t desiring to do what’s wrong.

That’s what makes it a Temptation in the first place. And if Temptation comes from desire, desire itself cannot be sin. Because we know from Matthew chapter 4 that Christ was tempted. Therefore, Christ was tempted – that means that Christ experienced desire. Do you think after not eating for 40 days that He desired to turn stones into bread and eat? Certainly. Was the desire itself a sin? If it was, we have no hope for salvation. 

The discussion on desire and temptation is a linear path of logic that no one can deny. Therefore it is logically and morally incorrect to suggest that desire itself is a sin.

It’s not wrong to desire/want to do wrong. At times we have strange desires that pull us toward evil – but it is in our choices and our actions that we demonstrate that love to God.

There’s no nobility in doing what is right if there is no desire to do what’s wrong. It’s that war against nature that God demands – for he himself is a man of war [Exodus 15:3]. Therefore like Him, we should be people of war: at war with their own desires and temptations.

So when it comes to the alleged “secret desire to be seen” – it’s always going to be there because it will act as a temptation that must be resisted. Even the speaker himself will later acknowledge that it is human nature to want to be seen [1:04:17].

But what do we do with that desire? In other words, even the speaker himself acknowledges that it is the action following the desire that is the critical component of righteousness. We have the desire to be seen, and that’s true, but what do we do with it? What action do we take based on that desire? Do we give into it or do we fight? It’s in the fighting that we find righteousness – and as the speaker would suggest, and rightfully so, humility.

Again, I believe that this lesson was good overall. I just wanted to point out a few of the things that come out in these lessons.

Matthew 28:18 – Lightning Study

All authority was given to Christ in Matthew 28:18. Not partial authority. Nor “most authority”, but every bit of authority.

This authority is one of the foundational building blocks of the church as well as the church government. The way the church is structured follows the outline and command given by Christ. We as Christ’s bride must follow this outline.

matthew 28:18

How many people in this world act as if Christ has no authority? Even people who claim to love Christ and follow what He has to say.

This is true when speaking about many denominations who build religion in their image rather than Chrsists. they decide that their traditions and teachings of men are more important than what Christ had to say about how His church was to be structured.

Matthew 28:18 is an all-inclusive statement outlining the authority of Christ.

What we need to constantly be aware of is the tendency to build religion in our own image. We often want to ignore what Christ has to say because we want to do it our way. This is not the way we were called to live. We have to submit to Christ’s law even when it is inconveneint or we would rather do something else.

We have to submit ourselves to His laws and precepts. And very importantly we have to submit to His strucutre of the church. It is His bride, He gets to create it how He wants.

When choosing a church to attend, make sure that the church follows Christ’s prescription. Does it mean the model provided in the New Testament or does it add a bunch of concepts that you don’t find in scripture? Or perhaps that church takes away multiple requirements of the church, such as regularly partaking of the Lord’s Supper or refusal of the essential nature of baptism.

Whatever you do, make sure you do it in the shadow of the cross. Respect the authority of Christ in all things.

Acts of Worship

Our previous six-part series covered the process of salvation. We talked about how you can accept God’s gift of salvation and becomes a member of the church He built. The final step in the process of salvation is faithful living. And faithful living requires faithful attendance at the weekly church services. And faithful attendance to a church that engages in each of the acts of worship.

The Bible teaches us that if we are to maintain our Salvation one of the things we have to do is meet with the Saints regularly.

“Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching.”

Hebrews 10:25

And when we meet with them, it should be on the first day of the week. Many churches have additional days where they meet in the middle of the week or other times where church members will get together and spend time with one another. These are all fine and usually beneficial. But the primary day that we are concerned about is the first day of the week, which is Sunday.

When we study the Bible we find that the first century Christians also met on the first day of the week as was commanded.

When they met, they engaged in five specific acts of worship to God.

  1. They sing songs of praise to God in acapella style.
  2. They prayed to God.
  3. Weekly, they partook of the Lord’s Supper.
  4. They listen to preaching about the word of God.
  5. They set their money aside for the work of the church.

Singing Verses

But at midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the prisoners were listening to them.

Acts 16:25 ~ (not public worship, but singing nonetheless).

“Speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord”

Ephesians 5:19


“But you, when you pray, go into your room, and when you have shut your door, pray to your Father who is in the secret place; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly.”

Matthew 6:6

And He said to them, “It is written, ‘My house shall be called a house of prayer,’ but you have made it a ‘den of thieves.’ ”

Matthew 21:13

“And they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers.”

Acts 2:42

Lord’s Supper

23 “For I received from the Lord that which I also delivered to you: that the Lord Jesus on the same night in which He was betrayed took bread; 24 and when He had given thanks, He broke it and said, [d]“Take, eat; this is My body which is [e]broken for you; do this in remembrance of Me.” 25 In the same manner He also took the cup after supper, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in My blood. This do, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of Me.” 26 For as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death till He comes.

27 Therefore whoever eats this bread or drinks this cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty of the body and [f]blood of the Lord. 28 But let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of the bread and drink of the cup. 29 For he who eats and drinks [g]in an unworthy manner eats and drinks judgment to himself, not discerning the [h]Lord’s body. 30 For this reason many are weak and sick among you, and many [i]sleep. 31 For if we would judge ourselves, we would not be judged. 

32 But when we are judged, we are chastened by the Lord, that we may not be condemned with the world. 33 Therefore, my brethren, when you come together to eat, wait for one another. 34 But if anyone is hungry, let him eat at home, lest you come together for judgment. And the rest I will set in order when I come.”

1 Corinthians 1:23-33

Weekly Lord’s Supper + Preaching

“Now on the first day of the week, when the disciples came together to break bread, Paul, ready to depart the next day, spoke to them and continued his message until midnight.”

Acts 20:7

Setting Aside/Giving Money for the work of the church

“Now concerning the collection for the saints, as I have given orders to the churches of Galatia, so you must do also: On the first day of the week let each one of you lay something aside, storing up as he may prosper, that there be no collections when I come.”

1 Corinthians 16:1-2

These five elements are required for the weekly worship on the first day of the week. If one of these elements is missing, the worship lacks a basic scriptural Foundation.

Now many churches try to leave out various elements of worship. Most notably they will leave out the regular partaking of the Lord’s Supper. Stating something like “it makes it lose its specialness if we take it too often”. So these churches will then only partake of the Lord’s Supper on special occasions, such as Christmas or Easter.

But this is not what the Bible teaches, we learn that the disciples met each first day of the week and broke bread (Partook of the Lord’s Supper).

Every week the Lord’s Supper was being observed and partaken by first-century Christians. And whether or whether or not it loses its specialness is all in the mind of the partaker. That’s why an individual has a responsibility to remain focused and remember and direct his thoughts each week so that communion doesn’t lose its specialness.

Arguably, everything loses specialness to us over time. That’s why we occasionally have to refresh our minds, look at something with a different perspective, and regain that appreciation for it. Or some outside event will force us to appreciate it more.

Take your relationships for example. It can be very easy to take these relationships for granted. But then when your loved one has a health crisis, you certainly appreciate the brevity of life and how special they are in your life. And once again time spent with them regains the specialness that it once had.

What happened to your mind? Simply a change in perspective brought on by a change in outside events.

But thankfully for us, we do not have to wait for a change in outside events to change our perspective. We have the power to direct and control our thoughts, so we can change our perspectives whenever we want.

There’s an ancient stoic exercise called negative visualization. In this exercise, you picture the worst-case scenario, or a horrible thing happening to you, a loved one becoming sick and dying. As dark as it is, you imagine all these things so that you can be more thankful for those things that you do have.

This exercise helps you to realize that the present moment is not nearly as painful as you think it is. And by doing this exercise you can shift your perspective without having to literally go through those negative events of losing a loved one, watching them get sick, or becoming sick yourself.

Additionally, you can do the same exercise when it comes to the Lord’s supper or any of the other acts of worship. Find ways to shift and change your perspective so that it doesn’t lose its specialness. Ideas for that could be an article all of its own.

Regarding the other acts of worship, you’ll notice that these can also be done outside of the public worship assembly. There is scriptural evidence of people singing outside of the worship assembly. We are also encouraged to pray outside of the public worship assembly. We can listen to lessons and preach outside of the normal assembly during a gospel meeting or something like that.  The only act of worship that cannot be partaken in outside of the public assembly is the Lord’s Supper, which is on the first day of the week.

But when we come together once weekly on the first day of the week to engage in public worship service, there’s a specific recipe of requirements for that worship. It is that same list of 5 items that we mentioned above, go back and look at those. But each of those elements must exist in the worship service for that service to be acceptable to God.

So if you followed the process of Salvation series, and become a member of the church, you now need to find a congregation that scripturally engages in each of the acts of worship on the first day of the week. I’d encourage you to visit a local Church of Christ. these are the congregation to try to do exactly what the Bible teaches, nothing more and nothing less. Church of Christ is the same church that was built 2000 years ago on the day of Pentecost. So I would highly encourage you to find your local church and start attending! 

Other reading: How to be internally motivated

Faithful Living – Process of Salvation 6

It is not enough to merely accept the gift of salvation God has given you. Your salvation must be maintained, per se, through faithful living.

What does faithful living entail?

I – Faithful attendance to church services on the first day of each week.

Faithful living

While the rest of the church days are up for debate and left for individual decisions (Wednesday nights or Sunday nights), meeting with the saints at least once on the first day of the week is a basic requirement of Christianity. If there is one thing people of the world know about Christians, it is that they are “at church” on Sundays. 

Attending services on the first day of the week is one of the ways we sacrifice to God. We are sacrificing the first fruits of our week to Him. Many of us would rather be somewhere else on Sunday mornings if we are being honest. It is the weekend capping a week of work, the day before a new work week starts. And many times we would rather just stay in bed than get up early and sit around other human beings. 

But that is what is required of us. And over time, if we work at it, we can begin to shift our attitude away from the kind that does not look forward to the worship services.

Our goal should be to one day possess the mindset of the Psalmist who was glad when they said to him ‘let us go into the house of the Lord’.

“I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the Lord.”

Psalm 122:1
This same psalmist wanted to dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of his life.

What a wonderful mindset to have, and it is one that takes time to develop. It is difficult to think this way about church service, especially if we are in the habit of viewing it as an inconvenience. 

“One thing have I desired of the Lord, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord, and to enquire in his temple.”

Psalm 27:4

“Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever.”

Psalm 23:6

Nevertheless, the basic requirement of maintaining salvation is meeting with the saints each first day of the week. On this day we must also break the communion bread of the Lord’s supper, and set money aside for the work of the church, as the disciplines in the first century did. 

“And upon the first day of the week, when the disciples came together to break bread, Paul preached unto them, ready to depart on the morrow; and continued his speech until midnight.”

Acts 20:7

“Upon the first day of the week let every one of you lay by him in store, as God hath prospered him, that there be no gatherings when I come.”

1 Corinthians 16:2

II – Continual Obedience


We have to continue to meet the commands of God. There are many requirements laid out in scripture that God requires of His people. There is a specific lifestyle that Christians are required to live. It is not glamorous, sexy, or exciting. This is because it is an investment for a future reward.

It is not glamorous or sexy to invest in your 401k or IRA, in fact, it costs you something today in the form of money. But your excitement grows over time as you begin to see increasing returns on your investment.

The Christian lifestyle requires that we sacrifice the pleasures of the world today. Christianity requires somewhat of a Spartan lifestyle of discipline and simplicity. This is incredibly difficult and is one of the reasons that many do not choose the Christian lifestyle.

There is an abundance of things to be enjoyed in this world, and God places restrictions on some of them. 

I’ve argued in the past that sexual restriction is one of the prime reasons that young people leave the church, and why people resort to the militant religion of atheism. It can be difficult to understand why God places so many lifestyle restrictions on His people, and many give up on trying to understand and give up on God. They leave the church and join the world. Or they were always in the world and join the atheistic community. 

But for the Christian, if salvation is to be maintained, it requires that the Christian lives his life according to the commands that God has laid out in His word. Christianity requires our obedience.

III – Continual Repentance


The righteous man falls seven times but rises again, the Bible teaches us. Faithful living involves rises after failure. This is the responsibility of every Christian. Once we accept God’s gift of salvation, this does not mean we stop sinning. On the contrary, we have now declared open war on the Adversary. Before we were baptized, we were a part of the world and on his side. Now we have declared allegiance to God and Satan counts us as his enemy (as he always did even when we were lost). This leads us to fight more battles against our sins and has more failures.

“For a just man falleth seven times, and riseth up again: but the wicked shall fall into mischief.”

Proverbs 24:16

One of the difficult things about becoming a Christian is you become more and more aware of how much sin you are engaging in. The more we study God’s word, the more we find that we are violating the principles of godly living. 

This should not discourage us because we have defined the enemy and we have defined the problem. And a problem defined is a problem half solved. 

When we fight these battles against our flesh and against the Adversary, there will be countless failures. But if we get us, confess our sins to God, and get back in the fight, we have continual forgiveness. 

Please note that this is not “once saved always saved”. That is a false doctrine based on these clear passages of Scripture:

“Christ is become of no effect unto you, whosoever of you are justified by the law; ye are fallen from grace.”

Galations 5:4

For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted the heavenly gift, and have become partakers of the Holy Spirit, and have tasted the good word of God and the powers of the age to come, 6if they fall away, to renew them again to repentance, since they crucify again for themselves the Son of God, and put Him to an open shame.

Hebrews 6:4-6

We cannot live however we want and maintain our salvation. We have to continue to repent and change our lifestyles across time to fully meet the requirements of God. 

God knows we will fail often, which is why He built the system of continual cleansing through the blood of Christ. As long as we keep fighting and keep changing our behavior, we can win. As long as we maintain faithful living, we have forgiveness.

“But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin.If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”

1 John 1:7-9

These are the three core tenants of faithful living. While there are many more that could be discussed, these three cover the majority of necessary topics. 

If you have not begun your journey as a Christian, I would encourage you to study with your local church of Christ and become a member today. And after that, maintain your salvation through the correct Christian lifestyle.

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