The Sacrifices Men Make in Marriage: A Reality Check

Marriage is often idealized as a fulfilling partnership.

It’s frequently viewed through a lens that emphasizes love, companionship, and mutual benefit.

And that’s a fine way of looking at it. It checks many Biblical boxes.

However, when we take a closer look—particularly from the male perspective—we can see that marriage involves a series of significant sacrifices that often go unrecognized.

The sacrifices men make in marriage, especially Christian men who view marriage as a sacred covenant that cannot be broken [aside from adultery], are understood across physical, financial, and even spiritual dimensions.

The goal of this article is to train the mind to notice these sacrifices and help the average reader, especially women, understand that for men, marriage is far from a free pass that let’s men access sex.

It’s a commitment that demands much. Often, it is a commitment made without expectation of acknowledgment.

1. Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) and the Sacrifice of Variety

One of the primary sacrifices men make in marriage is the surrender of sexual variety.

The natural, innate desire for sexual variety, which biologists suggest is more prominent in men [and any living, breathing male can personally attest to], is something we must give up when committing to a single woman.

It’s the 21st century folks. Sexual options are endless and potential partners are just a swipe away on a dating app.

Because of this, men [yes, even Christian men] often wrestle with the fear of missing out on sexual variety.

Sometimes we fear that by settling down, we are missing out on the chance to be with a more attractive, compatible, or more sexually exciting partner in the future.

While this is a universal challenge, for men, the biological drive for variety makes the sacrifice of exclusivity a more tangible reality.

This fear is compounded by societal pressures and the belief that there could always be someone “better” waiting around the corner.

Yet, men make this sacrifice, choosing long-term commitment over fleeting possibilities.

The magnitude of this decision is often underappreciated, especially in a world where men are told they should always be striving for more.

2. Loss of Freedom and Autonomy

A common theme in discussions about marriage from a male perspective is the perceived loss of freedom.

The freedom to pursue personal goals, individual hobbies, and social activities takes a hit once a man enters into marriage.

Whether it’s time spent with friends, career ambitions, or simply the ability to make decisions independently, marriage demands that men adjust their lives to accommodate the needs and desires of their spouse and future family.

Red Pill ideology and related perspectives often argue that men in marriage sacrifice their autonomy for the sake of emotional connection.

While deep emotional bonds and family life can sometimes bring fulfillment, there is no denying that many men feel constrained by the responsibilities that come with marital commitment.

They must learn to balance work, family, and personal time, often sacrificing personal interests for the sake of the household.

It’s a sacrifice of epic proportions – one that women may never be able to fully appreciate.

3. Financial Sacrifice and Provider Role

Marriage also places significant financial burdens on men. In many relationships, men are still expected to fulfill the role of primary provider, even if their partner works.

This expectation brings with it the need for long-term financial planning, sacrifices in personal spending, and a shift in priorities toward family stability.

Instead of investing in personal hobbies, men often find themselves focusing on saving for their children’s education, contributing to the household, or setting aside funds for the future. Each of these things are fine, but they are sacrifices nonetheless.

This financial sacrifice isn’t just about providing for the here and now—it’s about long-term commitments.

From mortgage payments to healthcare costs, men are expected to take on the burden of shared financial responsibility.

The pressure of being the “provider” is a weight that many men carry without complaint, but it is a sacrifice that should not be overlooked.

4. Career Adjustments and Time Management

Another significant area of sacrifice in marriage is career.

Men often find themselves needing to adjust their career trajectories to support their spouse’s goals or family needs.

Whether it’s relocating for their spouse’s job, scaling back ambitions to be more present with the children, or taking on additional work to provide financial stability, career sacrifice is real and substantial.

Beyond career, there is the sacrifice of time.

Time management becomes a constant juggling act between professional obligations, personal goals, and family responsibilities.

Leisure activities, once routine, are often put on the back burner – this further reduces a man’s ability to fully recover and approach any of his life activities with a sense of rejuvenation.

This balancing act leads to a fundamental shift in how men allocate their time, and they must often sacrifice personal interests for the good of the family.

Other Christian men attempt to moralize this reality calling it “duty” or “honor“, but these are just ways to try to sugar coat the fact that a man sacrifices almost everything he wants in order to promote the good of the family.

5. Emotional Sacrifice and Conflict Resolution

Marriage also demands significant emotional sacrifice.

Men are pushed to engage in emotional labor that, while vital to the health of the relationship, can often be taxing.

They must learn to navigate conflict without resorting to avoidance or aggression, and they are expected to be a source of emotional support during difficult times.

This includes being there for their spouse and kids through illness, personal loss, or moments of crisis.

The emotional sacrifice that comes with marriage is not always discussed openly, but it is felt deeply by men.

The emotional endurance required to sustain a marriage through trials is an ongoing commitment that demands patience, empathy, and emotional resilience.

6. Spiritual Sacrifice: Growing Together

In Christian marriages, there is an added dimension of spiritual sacrifice.

Both partners are called to grow together spiritually and emotionally, and this often means that personal spiritual pursuits must be adjusted to ensure that both partners are on the same path.

For men, this can involve setting aside individual ambitions to focus on the spiritual health of the family unit.

It requires constant self-sacrifice to align personal spiritual growth with that of the marriage, ensuring that both husband and wife are growing closer to God together.

Christian men are called to endure trials and hardships in marriage with patience and grace, reflecting Christ’s love for the church.

This spiritual endurance is a sacrifice that is often unrecognized but is central to the health of a Christian marriage.

Acknowledging the Weight of Male Sacrifice

Marriage for men—especially Christian men—is not a free pass, nor is it without significant personal cost.

The sacrifices men make are vast, ranging from the relinquishment of sexual variety to the emotional and spiritual burdens they bear for the sake of their family.

These sacrifices are often made without expectation of recognition or appreciation, but that does not diminish their importance.

It is critical for both men and women to understand that marriage requires sacrifice from both partners, but the specific sacrifices that men make—whether it’s their freedom, financial autonomy, career ambitions, or emotional resilience—are substantial.

Acknowledging these sacrifices is an essential step toward fostering a more balanced and supportive dynamic within marriage.

Marriage isn’t just about what men gain—it’s also about what they give up.

And what they give up should be valued just as much as what they contribute.

The Biggest Sexual Mistake Christian Men Make

One of the biggest mistakes Christian men make when they get married is training their wives to keep them dependent on sex.

They teach their wives to think that they will do anything for sex. Husbands demonstrate this with their own actions.

They will beg for sex.
They will plead for sex.
They will change decisions or make decisions for sex.
If their wife says “jump for sex”they say “how high”.

This habit starts before marriage, as most Christian men get married so they can experience sex. Everything else is secondary.

If sex wasn’t their primary motivator and they would rationally weigh the pros and cons of marriage, they might never get married in the first place.

Bad Habits

This habit of sex-dependence starts early in marriage. Men are so excited to finally have access to sex that they couldn’t have access to for so many years that they don’t want to lose it.

They don’t want to miss out on it. They will do anything to keep the supply of sex intact

This mindset makes them vulnerable.

A Little History

You see, throughout history, women’s truest power and agency over men has been their sexuality.

Women learn this from an early age – as soon as they are old enough to understand sex.

They start to realize that most men will do just about anything to get into their pants.

Then, on a conscious or unconscious level, they learn to manipulate that fact to get what they want.

They learn to withhold sex to try to force their husbands’ hand into taking actions he otherwise wouldn’t have taken.

This is immoral behavior, but it happens.

The biggest sexual mistake Christian men make is allowing this to happen.

The manipulation of sex is a mindset for women. It develops over time.

And when men cater to their wives every little want and craving, make decisions big and small, and violate their principles in order to have access to sex, they reinforce this idea that women have power over them.

Most husbands teach their wives to manipulate sex.

Husbands teach their wives with their own actions – and when they constantly give into manipulative pressure from their wife just to have sex, the wife learns she simply has to apply sexual pressure and she can get her way.

If she learns this early in the marriage, it is difficult to undo.

Training Your Wife

If you let your wife understand through your actions that you aren’t a slave to her sexuality, and won’t do whatever she says because she gatekeeps sex, and especially if you do this early in the marriage, you won’t find youself in position where your wife manipulates sex to get what she wants.

She won’t be able to manipulate sex because you aren’t a slave to her sexuality.

This is something that single, unmarried men should pay careful attention to. Because they are in a position where they can make all the right decisions and prevent this from ever occurring.

If you are unmarried or about to get married, you are in the best possible position to prevent your wife from manipulating Sex.

How It Works

It’s simple to apply this lesson practically.

If your wife withholds sex from you because you will or won’t do something she wants, instead of giving into her, just go about your business as if nothing was happening.

Make it seem like it doesn’t matter to you at all if you have sex or not.

And most importantly – make the decision you know to be right. Do not give into sexual pressure.

If you do what you know is rational, intelligent, and morally correct, and are not swayed by your wife’s sexuality, you will be in a position of power.

Don’t worry, you’ll have sex again.

But you won’t be a slave to it.

You just have to be disciplined early in marriage, for a short time for this to have lasting benefits on your life.

It won’t take many instances of you showing your wife you are unaffected by her manipulation before it clicks in her mind and she realizes you can’t be manipulated.

At that point you’ve taken away her manipulative power, the power that women have used throughout the ages. She will realize those tactics are worthless against a man of sexual discipline like you.

In the end she will respect you more, and you will have more access to sex within marriage than ever before all because you practiced discipline.

This also requires your wife to improve her character as well.

If she’s withholding sex in the first place, or manipulating it in any way, that isn’t moral behavior.
Those aren’t the actions of a woman of character.

So by training her to understand that you aren’t dependent on her for sex, she will not only improve her character by stopping the manipulation, but it will force her to learn to articulate her positions more rationally and logically – to approach you as a thinker, rather than as a caveman who is a slave to his penis.

If she wants you to do something or not do something, now instead of manipulating sex, she actually has to have a rational, intelligent conversation with you about what to do.

Now that’s something we can accept.

Men should always be willing to change their mind based on logic and evidence. And a woman who doesn’t manipulate sex actually has a more rational mind. She has to, because sex is no longer her power – she must develop her mind.

Even Benjamin Franklin knew this stuff.

Ever seen a woman whose only power is her sexuality?

Think Instagram models and porn stars.

These aren’t the great thinkers of our age.

When a woman’s only tool is her sexuality, she is almost always foolish and intellectually underdeveloped.


Don’t teach your wife that you will do anything for sex.

Don’t teach her that you will change your mind and opinions just to have sex with her.

If you do, you will be in the same boat as so many other Christian men around you. and it’s not a fun place to be.

But with just a little sexual discipline applied early in marriage, you can prevent this from ever occurring.

So develop that discipline.

Conduct yourselves like men.

Sexual Discipline In Marriage

Most men will be shocked by the title.

Never in their wildest dreams would they think they had to be sexually disciplined in marriage.

They thought they would have on-command access to sex the moment they get married.

Most men will face a sad reality when they wake up from that delusion.

Men must be sexually disciplined – both before they are married and after.

This concept of sexual discipline has two facets:

I – Sexual discipline with your wife
II – Sexual discipline with women who are not your wife

Both types of discipline are critical.

But if you make smart decisions early, you won’t have to be too sexually disciplined with your wife, and I’ll show you why.

I – Sexual Discipline With Your Wife

Early in your marriage, it is critical to be sexually disciplined. This is because most women understand intuitively that their only real agency and way to affect men is through their sexuality. This is how women have worked throughout the centuries.

Because of this sexual power, women will often manipulate sex to get what they want.

They will withhold sex from their husbands to get an outcome they want.

They will withhold sex if a man doesn’t behave he way she wants him to behave, or if he doesn’t do what she wants him to do.

Is this sinful for women to do? Yes it is. And it would be just as sinful if a man did it – but looking for a man who withholds sex is like looking for a unicorn.

But manipulating access to sex is how women learn to wield their power. This is certainly how the world teaches them to wield it.

Therefore, early in marriage, you need to teach your wife through example, through behavior [not through words] that you are not a slave to her vagina. That you are not a slave to the sex she believes she can puppy-guard.

She will try to get you to do things you have decided not to do, or get you to not do things that you have decided to do by becoming cold sexually or rejecting advances.

Your role then, as a man who is sexually disciplined, is to show by example that this does not affect you.

You show by example that you are not a slave to your sexual urges.

You may be craving sex, but you can’t let it show. You must remain in control.

Don’t change your decisions just because your woman thinks you will bow to her whims just to have sex with her.

If you give in, she will believe you to be a pathetic man ruled by his sexual urges. She may not know she believes this, but on an unconscious level, the thought will be there.

So instead, if she tries to withhold sex, go about your business as if nothing is happening.

Do what you would normally do, live how you would normally live, and act as if you don’t even notice that you aren’t having sex. And if other women at work are giving you attention, this is the time to covertly mention it – activate her competition anxiety.

Eventually she will realize “Wow, I can’t manipulate sex to get this guy to do what I want”.

And this realization will make her stop manipulating sex, especially if you are getting attention from other women.

Only a stupid woman would withhold sex from a man who’s getting attention from other women.

She might as well put her husband in a Catapult and launch him into the bed of another woman.

Remember that this part of life where you must be sexually disciplined with your wife won’t last forever. You won’t have to act like this for your whole marriage.

Sexual Discipline within marriage is what you demonstrate in the beginning of marriage to help your wife understand that you are not a slave to her sexuality.

Teach her early in marriage that you won’t jump just because she said to jump, and just because she is the keeper of the sex.

In the end, she will respect you for this. She will be even be more aroused by you – the man who can control his sexual desires to stay true to his principles.

If you saved yourself for marriage, you likely waited 20+ years to have sex, you can wait another few days to have sex as a way to demonstrate that you won’t be moved from your principles by temporary sexual pleasures.

II – Sexual Discipline With Other Women

Sexual discipline with other women is the most obvious place where we should have discipline as Christian men. And we need to have this discipline at the very fundamental level.

Adultery is a terrible sin that men and women are drawn to for a plethora of reasons. No one can deny that it is tempting.

Whether it was because they let discipline slack, where pushed to it by their spouse or whatever the case may be, adultery has clear start points.

It begins in the mind and with the eyes. This is why Christ taught to avoid looking at a woman and thinking about having sex with her [which is one definition Lust].

The eyes and the mind are at the foundation.

What goes in the mind affects the eyes.

How we train the mind determines what our eyes will seek out.

What goes in the eyes affects the mind – we think about what we see.

Therefore, we have to control both mind and eyes at the base in order to reduce the likelihood of adultery.

But it is not enough to stop there. Because there are other women in the world as well. Women who will find us attractive and interesting.

And if we are working and increasing our secular success, we will become more attractive to other women as we go through life and enter our 30s.

It’s true that most women won’t approach us, but that doesn’t mean we should let our guard down. Because some will – I’m sure you’ve had that experience before.

So you have to be ready in case this does occur.

How will you gently tell other women you are married?
What will you do if they don’t care about the fact that you are married?

Because if you aren’t ready for the approaches of other women, they will crack the confidence in your marriage. Their sensual approach will be an image of what you are missing out on – a portrait of the sexuality you sacrificed to be with your wife.

And you may start to desire that sexual world outside of your marriage.

The desire is the seed. It is one of the seeds to adultery.

Then your desire will slowly fester, making you resentful of what you do have and craving what you don’t.

You’ll be David on the rooftop, unable to resist the craving for more.

Don’t let those errors get started. Don’t let the seeds of them grow.

David suffered greatly in his life because he took what wasn’t his sexually and was willing to kill for it.

Have your responses ready for other women, maintain your discipline in and out of marriage and hold yourself contestant to the biblical Principles you know to be true.

Be a striking example of sexual discipline.

Conduct yourselves like men.

Bathsheba Wasn’t a Victim

Challenging the Pedestalization of Women in the Church

In Christianity, Women are frequently elevated to an untouchable status, often regarded as morally superior or sinless, especially in contrast to men.

This trend is particularly evident when discussing biblical figures like Bathsheba, where the modern narrative has been crafted to portray her as an innocent victim of King David’s power and authority.

But if we examine the situation critically, there’s ample reason to question this assumption.

Bathsheba was not an innocent victim; she was just as complicit as David in their shared sexual sin.

In the church culture, this pedestalization of women—presenting them as incapable of significant wrongdoing—has led to a distortion of biblical truth.

Let’s break down the case of Bathsheba, explore her potential motivations, and dismantle the harmful ways that men in the church, influenced by modern feminist ideals, minimize women’s sins while overemphasizing the sins of men.

Bathsheba’s Role: Not a Helpless Victim

The typical narrative often attributes David’s sin with Bathsheba solely to his power, authority, and unchecked lust.

They assume Bathsheba had no choice in the matter.

But this assumption is based on nothing more than speculation.

There is no biblical evidence that Bathsheba was coerced or forced into committing adultery.

The passage in 2 Samuel 11 clearly indicates that David saw Bathsheba, desired her, and sent for her—but it never suggests that she resisted or was reluctant.

Bathsheba, like David, knew what she was doing was sinful.

While it’s possible that she was intimidated by David’s status as king, it’s also entirely plausible that she knew the benefits of sexually engaging with the king.

Let’s be honest about the societal dynamics of that time: women sought financial security and protection through men.

Bathsheba could have very well seen an opportunity for herself by aligning with David.

Being connected to the king brought lifelong security. If she bore his child, she would secure not only her own future but the future of her family.

This wasn’t just a matter of attraction; it was a power play.

Bathsheba’s compliance may have been driven by the recognition of what a relationship with the king could mean— status, power, and security that no ordinary life could provide.

For all we know, Bathsheba may have seen this as her moment to secure a place in the king’s court.

The Double Standard: Bathsheba vs. Esther

Let’s contrast the church’s treatment of Bathsheba’s story to the story of Queen Esther.

In the book of Esther, we celebrate her as a hero for bravely approaching King Ahasuerus to save her people, even at the risk of her own life.

We honor Esther’s courage and admire her strength in standing up to the king, breaking protocol, and putting herself in danger for a greater cause.

Had Bathsheba resisted David’s advances and reminded him of God’s commands, we would have celebrated her in a similar way that we celebrate Esther.

But instead, based on the biblical record, Bathsheba made no such stand. She did not stand firm in righteousness, nor did she attempt to dissuade David from sinning.

She participated willingly, and for this, we cannot absolve her of responsibility.

Yet, the church often excuses Bathsheba and paints her as a victimwhileglorifying Esther for doing the exact opposite.


Because the modern narrative has adopted a warped view of gender roles, particularly in regard to women.

Women are viewed as pure, innocent, and incapable of wrongdoing.

Meanwhile, men are always framed as the aggressors or oppressors, especially when it comes to sins involving power, sex, or authority.

The Pedestalization of Women in the Church

What we see in the story of Bathsheba is a microcosm of a larger issue in the church today: the pedestalization of women.

This tendency to treat women as sinless or morally superior to men is a direct consequence of the feminist influences that have infiltrated the church.

Even the most conservative religious circles are not immune from this influence.

Men are viewed as inherently flawed, their sins seen as worse and more dangerous, while women’s sins are minimized or excused altogether.

The church, eager to distance itself from accusations of sexism, has adopted the idea that women are inherently better than men—morally, spiritually, and emotionally.

This idea has become so ingrained that even when women engage in clear acts of sin, they are given a pass.

Bathsheba’s sin with David is ignored or downplayed, while David’s actions are highlighted and condemned as evidence of his failure as a man and leader.

How many sermons have you heard about David and Bathsheba?

Likely dozens.

How many preacher even dare to suggest that Bathsheba was complicit in sin in any of these sermons?

I’ve never heard it done once.

But the Bible does not teach that men and women are to be held to different moral standards. Romans 3:23 (NKJV): “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.

Both men and women are equally capable of sin, and both are equally accountable before God.

The Weakness of Men in the Church

Part of the reason this pedestalization persists is because of the weakness of men in the church.

Many men have been taught, either explicitly or implicitly, that their natural masculine traits are bad or sinful.

Masculinity, leadership, and strength are often vilified in modern discourse, leading men to retreat into a passive, apologetic stance.

Men, in an attempt to remain in the good graces of women, have bought into this pedestalization.

They downplay women’s sins in the hopes of securing approval, attention, or sexual access.

These men have sacrificed their God-given authority and responsibilities in exchange for the illusion of harmony, but this “harmony” comes at the cost of truth.

Instead of standing firm on biblical principles, men have abdicated leadership and allowed feminist ideas to take root.

The church has created a culture where men are expected to bear the full weight of sin, while women are absolved by virtue of their genetalia.

This is neither biblical nor just.

Bathsheba’s Story: A Lesson for the Church

The story of Bathsheba is a reminder that both men and women are responsible for their actions.

Bathsheba was not a helpless victim in her encounter with David; she was a willing participant in sin.

To excuse her behavior is to deny the reality of human sinfulness and to perpetuate the false idea that women are inherently more righteous than men.

The Bible calls us to hold both men and women accountable for their actions. Bathsheba’s sin was real, and her motivations—whether driven by fear or ambition—do not excuse her complicity.

James 1:14-15 (NKJV): “But each one is tempted when he is drawn away by his own desires and enticed. Then, when desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, brings forth death.” This applies equally to men and women. Both David and Bathsheba were drawn away by their own desires, and both sinned as a result.

The church must stop excusing women’s sins while condemning men’s. Pedestalizing women does a disservice to the entire body of Christ. It is time to return to a balanced, biblical view of sin, where both men and women are equally responsible for their choices and actions.

The Truth About Bathsheba

The pedestalization of women has distorted our understanding of biblical narratives like Bathsheba’s. Bathsheba was not a victim, nor was she innocent.

She was a woman who very likely made a calculated decision to engage in sin with David, just as David made a calculated decision to pursue her.

Both David and Bathsheba were equally guilty.

It’s time for the church to stop excusing women’s sins, stop vilifying men for their masculinity, and return to the biblical standard of accountability for both sexes.

Only then can we address the real issues of sin and righteousness that affect all believers, male and female alike.

The Importance of Physical Attraction

As a Christian man, it is critical not to overlook the importance of physical attraction when seeking a wife.

While Christian virtues and shared values are crucial, physical attraction is a fundamental aspect of a fulfilling marriage that should not be neglected.

Many Christians neglect teaching about sexuality all together, much less instructing men on what to look for in a wife beyond the standard Christian values.

The Role of Physical Attraction

Physical attraction plays a significant role in marital satisfaction.

All the good Christian qualities in the world cannot substitute for sexual arousal and physical desire.

If you don’t want your wife sexually, this is a problem.

Because you will inevitably come across women you are sexually aroused by, only they won’t be your wife.

Your resentment towards your wife may grow.
Your marital dissatisfaction may grow.

You may out yourself in a severely disadvantaged position of being attracted to seemingly every woman but your wife – as some Christian men have made known to me.

That’s a sad way to live.

And it’s a permanent way to live.

This physical attraction aspect of marriage is often overlooked by Christians, but it remains critical for a healthy and happy relationship.

Avoiding the Temptation to Settle

Many Christian men find themselves tempted to settle for someone they are not genuinely attracted to, believing that shared values and virtues will suffice.

However, it is important to wait and find someone who is very physically attractive to you.

Do not panic if there seems to be no eligible women around. They are out there.

Be sure to include God in your search, approaching him in prayer and asking for what you are seeking: a woman who is both beautiful on the inside as well as sexually arousing on the outside.

A man can help guide his wife in understanding various philosophies and spiritual matters, but he cannot change her physical appearance.

You can help her learn the flaws of religious Liberalism, but you cannot change the symmetry of her face or the curvature of her body.

It may sound shallow, but it absolutely is not.

Here’s why:

If she does not look good to you, you may be tempted to seek sexual satisfaction elsewhere, which is obviously detrimental to the marriage.

Here’s a critical litmus test for you: If you would have to ‘convince yourself’ to be attracted to a woman, you are not attracted to her.

If she doesn’t catch your eye the moment she walks into a room, you aren’t attracted to her.


Move on to the next one.

There is no shortage of attractive women.

The Advantage of Time

Men have the advantage of time when searching for a mate, as our sexual market value often lasts well into our thirties.

We simply stay attractive longer.

In fact, we become more attractive into our 30s because we become more established in our careers and lives.

And this is one of the factors that satisfies part of women’s dualistic sexual strategy.

So don’t feel like you are running out of time as you approach your 30s and even beyond. You have far more time than women whose sexual value begins to deteriorate in their 20s.

This long lasting sexual value gives us the opportunity to be patient and selective.

It is crucial to choose someone who is both very attractive and shares core Christian values.

Do not compromise on one or the other.

But recall that you can teach your wife. you cannot change her appearance.

Physical Attraction and Sexual Intimacy

Physical attraction is necessary for true physical intimacy, which is reserved for and expected in marriage.

Let’s be real: if you aren’t attracted to a woman, your ‘equipment’ will not work when it’s time to get sexual.

This intimacy strengthens the marital bond and is a gift from God meant to be enjoyed in marriage

Ignoring physical attraction can lead to sexual dissatisfaction and temptations that could harm the relationship.


While Christian virtues and shared values are indispensable, physical attraction is equally important in a marriage.

Christian men should be patient and discerning in their search for a wife, ensuring that they find someone who is both physically attractive and aligned with their core values.

This balance is key to a fulfilling and enduring marital relationship.

You have all the time in the world.

You don’t have the same biological clock that limits women.

Get it in your mind that it is okay yo be selective, and patient. you have all the time in the world. And as a Christian, God is on your side in this quest.

Be very selective, remembering that as a man who will be providing, you are the prize to be sought after, not the other way around.

You are you own mental point of origin.

Treat yourself with enough respect to find a sexually attractive woman to marry.

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