Don’t Divorce Emotion – Use Them As Fuel

It may be your impression after reading a portion of this material that Spartan Christianity is Anti-emotion. After all, we do spend a great deal of time talking about the ways emotion affects the minds of men negatively. But that is not to say that all emotion is bad or useless, in fact it is not the case at all! The principles that are presented here are meant to motivate men to first build a foundation of logic that is later supplemented by emotion rather than using emotions as the foundation.

To help illustrate this, we will look at a few non-religious examples where emotions are used before skill or logic is developed, and how it typically ends in disaster.

Here are a few examples:

No doubt you have seen a singer or watched one of those television singing shows and seen someone who was clearly filled with passion and excitement about singing but had absolutely no skill in it whatsoever. He may have had a certain amount of talent, or some potential that could be built on through training, but he had no appreciable level of skill with music.

Yet he still tries out for the show thinking that passion alone is enough to allow him to fulfill his dreams. This is not the case, passion can only be added after a respectable skill level has been reached.

Also consider the aggressive man who exercises and channels all his anger into his physical training, but injures himself because he lacks proper form in exercise. No doubt aggression improves the intensity of training, but only if an appreciable level of skill in training has been established first.

Proper body mechanics must be established before aggression or other emotions can be unleashed.
logic. Emotion

The best singers in the world or the best athletes in the world undoubtedly have high levels of passion for their skill. But they also added that passion to an already high level of pre-existing skill. The best singers in the world are the ones who have high levels of technical skill built on hours of practice that they later supplemented with passion. That passion provides the human element that allows music to be a connecting experience between people. But the value of a man’s passion is stifled when he obviously lacks technical skill in music.

How many times has one of your favorite songs been ruined for you because someone played or sang it badly?

The best athletes in the world are the ones who know their exercises, drills and sports plays so fluently that they do not need to think about them. Their skill level is so high that they can go on mental autopilot and then focus on concentrating massive amounts of energy, aggression and passion into the sport.

The Spartan Christian must be the same way.

It is absolutely necessary to have supplemental emotions for your faith, but you must not build upon them as the foundation. Emotions alone are not enough. First you must cement in your mind what it is you believe through logic and rationality. Upon a Foundation of rationality you can add your emotions to make your faith unbeatable.

Once you understand the evils of sin, you can concentrate your aggression into crushing those evils. Once you mentally appreciate the magnitude of gifts and blessings that God has given you, then you can thank Him with tears and emotional joy.

Emotions are jet fuel for the mind and for action.

But you must first build a functioning plane before the type of fuel even begins to matter. What good is the best jet fuel if your engines blow out two minutes after takeoff? What good is jet fuel if you can’t even “crank up” your plane?

The greatest structures in the world started out as logical blueprints on paper. Those blueprints later became a concrete foundation and stable wooden frame. Creating the beautiful appearance of a building is the final thing to be completed. You cannot have a beautiful building without a strong foundation first.

Your faith must have titanium architecture built on logic before you can add the beautiful aesthetics of emotions.

Architecture. Emotion. Logic.
Even God designed parts of the human body to be the same way.

Consider all your bones. Bones are 50% collagen and 50% ground substance, which is made up of minerals like calcium. Both pieces are vitally important for the structural integrity of your bones, and your body wouldn’t work without this combination.

The collagen gives the bones flexibility. If we didn’t have collagen, our bones would crumble and break because they would only have calcium and other salts. It would then be as easy to break a bone as it would be to snap a calcium pill in half with your fingers.

But the calcium is still important. It provides the bone with rigidity and strength. Without the calcium and other bone salts, your bones would bend and snap like a sapling.

But when combined together, the benefits of each substance create bones that pound for pound are stronger than concrete at a fraction of the weight.

Emotions are the same way. Our emotion must be combined with logic for there to be any appreciable level of strength in each one.

Emotions are not strong without logic, and logic is not strong without emotion.

Emotions alone will crumble under adversity. How strong is the faith of an emotional person when those precious emotions fade to nothing? How faithful is the emotional Christian once it is no longer safe or convenient for him to be a Christian? Most people leave the church as soon as it becomes dangerous to be a Christian.

Logic alone is not enough for some men to maintain their faith. When atheists seem to make such great, logical points about the origin of the universe many men must call on emotion to maintain their faith.

This is the main point: emotion and logic are complementary.

You will be weak if you have one without the other. But many Christians today are so concerned with increasing their emotions or their passion that they neglect logic altogether. At Spartan Christianity, the purpose is to increase logic in a world of men who worship emotion.

Build your faith with the mind before you add your emotions to it. This is the Spartan way. Once your faith is built, then add emotional conviction and become unstoppable.

Emotion. Logic. matchstick


Generosity is not what many people in religion have made it out to be.

“In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’”

Acts 20:35

“One gives freely, yet grows all the richer; another withholds what he should give, and only suffers want. Whoever brings blessing will be enriched, and one who waters will himself be watered.”

Proverbs 11:24-25

“Give, and it will be given to you. Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put into your lap. For with the measure you use it will be measured back to you.”

Luke 6:38

Generosity is a hard concept for many men. The idea of just giving away money to other people is difficult to understand. Why do we struggle with this? Usually because we think other people are unworthy of our help because they are lazy. We assume we are enabling a lazy attitude and lifestyle. Men don’t want to give away the money they worked incredibly hard to acquire to some bum who walks around asking for it. We justify our attitudes by assuming these individuals are manipulating people to fund their alcohol or heroin addiction. While speculatory, this is still a topic for debate. There certainly are “career beggars” and they can do very well for themselves financially.

Men should be generous, but they should also be wise.

We should help others, but we should also be good stewards of what we are in charge of while on earth. To do this we need strategic stewardship. We must maneuver ourselves and our resources so that others use our generosity in the way we want them to, rather than the way they want to. 

We have to be realistic, many career beggars are manipulating people out of their money to buy alcohol and drugs. This is a fact of life. But there are also many people who are in legitimate need of help, and now doubt is cast on their sincerity because of manipulating career beggars. We must strategize. We must be generous and wise at the same time. This can easily be done by a Man who thinks. 

We must also reject the notion of “Blind Generosity”, which suggests that we should just give money to anyone who asks because that is right. No, that is not right. Blind giving simply eliminates your responsibility to make a character judgement on another individual. The individual who blindly gives away money is mentally lazy, not morally superior.


Good stewardship is using wisdom in generosity. 



How do we mitigate the risk of generosity? This is simple for our modern lives: make it impossible for people we help to use the resources we give them or anything other than what we want them to have. 

Man asks for money for food in the parking lot? Don’t give him money and buy him food or give him a gift card for a restaurant. With a gift card, you have taken money that could be used for drugs or alcohol and made it so that only food can be purchased. This is most easily done by providing gift cards to fast food restaurants that do not serve alcohol. 

Another option is to have premade care packages with food and toiletries already made in the car that you can hand out at any given time. This ensures that you are generous while at the same time being wise with your resources. 

It really is that simple. Strategic generosity is the way to win. You are no longer a stingy curmudgeon, and you are wise and a good steward. Everyone wins. Be Generous. Be a Man.

Conduct Yourselves Like Men.


Vigilance is a variation on consciousness. While consciousness aims to be more aware in life in general, vigilance aims to be more conscious and aware of the enemy and his position on the battlefield.

Vigilance is commonly thought of as a defensive position, but it is also offensive.

“Be sober, be vigilant, for your adversary the devil roams about like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour”.

1 Peter 5:8

Be watchful of the enemy, for the enemy is watchful of you. He is patiently waiting for you to show signs of weakness, for you to show just one chink in your armor or one moment where you are tired so he can destroy you. The enemy lies in wait to shed blood. He waits for your focus to waiver.

If you are not watchful, you will be utterly destroyed. 

You examine the battlefield and examine the enemy, so that when you notice a situation is odd, you can destroy the temptation before it can even start. 

“If I think an enemy is going to attack me – I’m going to attack them first.
If I think they are going to seize a piece of terrain – I am going to be there waiting for them.
If I think the enemy is going to flank me – too late – I’m already flanking them”

Jocko Willink, Discipline Equals Freedom Field Manual

Weak men are never aware of their surroundings and are destroyed. Their destruction may not be apparent to them because it is a slow developing disease that manifests itself in the lack of progression and growth of the individual. “Maintenance” is just modulated decay.

A person can be consumed by the enemy and still walk around thinking everything is fine. It is a pain free, symptomless disease. The enemy lives a parasitic existence feeding on the host – the beta male. The enemy does not need to ruin your career, marriage and perfect church attendance streak to destroy you, instead he just needs to keep you from moving forward and improving. 

“It is funny how mortals always picture us as putting things into their minds: in reality our best work is done by keeping things out.”

C.S. Lewis, The Screwtape Letters

Be vigilant so that you can recognize the signs, and avoid the trap of the weak minded boys in the Church. Improvement is the best way to fend off evil, and vigilance manifests itself in the flexibility of the individual, and his willingness to change all his current plans to crush the enemy. 


I am aware, I am vigilant



Vigilance is a variation on consciousness. While consciousness aims to be more aware in life in general, vigilance aims to be more conscious and aware of the enemy and his position on the battlefield. So look for the enemy. Be aware of the situations that look like traps.

Co-workers gossiping by the water cooler? Trap. 

Alone with your girlfriend? Trap. 

Alone with your computer? Trap. 

These traps must be planned for in advance because you want to crush them when they appear. 

Avoid the water cooler. 

Double date. 

Install filters. 

The tactics are not difficult to understand. Application is difficult. Crush the enemy and utterly drive him from the face of the earth. 

Conduct Yourselves like Men.

The Damage of Pacifism on the Minds of Men

Because the modern, civilized world is so peaceful and safe, people do not appreciate an aggressive, masculine man anymore. There is no need, generally speaking, for men to protect women and children against violence from other men. Were there this need, people would be able to regularly see and appreciate the value of masculine aggression when it is used for the good of society.

What the Church has Taught Men

For some time now, the Church has taught men that masculine aggression is to be avoided at all costs and that pacifism is a virtue. Because for some reason aggression is equivalent to violence in the minds of these individuals. People fear that if their sons grow up and manifest aggression, they will end up in gangs, crime or domestic warfare. This highlights a fundamental problem in the thinking of most Christian people – a misunderstanding of the proper, valuable uses of aggression.

Because the modern, civilized world is so peaceful and safe, people do not appreciate an aggressive, masculine man anymore. There is no need, generally speaking, for men to protect women and children against violence from other men. Were there this need, people would be able to regularly see and appreciate the value of masculine aggression when it is used for the good of society. This is what people have forgotten: masculine aggression tempered with wisdom benefits society, it does not damage it. Instead pacifism has been promoted as the key to being religious.

Instead of promoting this masculine aggression, however, the Church has chosen to preach against it. This is extremely damaging to men as it has made them weak, effeminate and fearful, unable to defend themselves or others.
  • Aggression is preached as “evil”. Pacifism is preached as “good”.
  • Idiotic views of government and punishment are caused by the suppression of appropriate aggression.
  • The use of violence in self-defense situations has been replaced with “turn the other cheek“.

The result is that men are not only unable to resist violence and evil, but are unwilling to do so as well. Men do not even have the capacity to protect their families. Most Christian men would forgive a man for raping his wife while he is still raping her – that is the extreme to which “live peaceably with all men” has been taken, and it is an inappropriate extreme.

This is most evident with more progressive Churches. When was the last time you saw an aggressive, masculine man attend “Yoga for Jesus“?

This is also readily apparent in pacifist denominations such as the Baptist or Methodist Churches. If this applies to you, I would encourage you not to take this statement personally, but take a good look around your Church and ask yourself, “Are there any truly masculine men here?” I tend to notice that most Baptists come out of the womb docile and tame. I have never met an aggressive Baptist. If you are a Baptist, you have the responsibility to make yourself more aggressive, unless you are too busy being offended by this paragraph to see its importance.

What Spartans Believe – Masculine Aggression is highly appropriate.

Even a casual student of Biblical history is aware of the commands of God to utterly destroy various peoples. The book of Joshua outlines many of these conquests and battles. God commands MEN to utterly destroy these peoples because they are evil – many of them burn their own children alive as sacrifices to their gods. Most would agree that this single crime is punishable by death, and therefore is the justification for the obliteration of their infanticide-based society.

In order to destroy these infant murdering societies, men would have to employ extreme aggression. Men would be required to kill other men in hand-to-hand combat. The psychological burden of warfare on the mind’s men had to be extraordinary. For these men to override their immediate fears of battle, they had no choice but to use aggression. To engage in pacifism would have meant turning a blind eye to the evils of those countries.

Men cannot kill other men without aggression combined with the will to kill.

Through the properly channeled use of aggression, many of those evil societies were destroyed. Even to this day the same principles still apply. The evils of Germany were subdued by the applied bravery, training and AGGRESSIVE MENTALITY of brave Allied forces. Appropriately applied aggression saves the world during war, and contributes to the progress of society during peace.

How We Must Correct the Damage done by Weak Christian Men.

The aggression muscle of Christian men has expectedly gone flabby due to lack of use and training, but it can just as well be restored through training. Men have a responsibility to encourage their natural aggression and use it for the benefit of society. Here are a few basic applications of Masculine Aggression:

Aggression is to be Internal and Concentrated at the Weakness of Self.

Grace is not going to fix your personal problems. Grace will not take away your addiction to cocaine or pornography. God’s Grace will not allow you to overcome the weaknesses of your character. Grace covers your sin, it does not magically cure you of your sinful behavior. Each of your problems must be overcome by the proper application of masculine aggression. No problems were ever solved by pacifism.

When you become angry at your own shortcomings, you fuel yourself to destroy those shortcomings. You must hate evil and strike it with a mighty slaughter. Just as Paul hated his shortcomings (Romans 7:13-22) you must as well. You will find that simply learning to encourage feelings of anger and disgust towards your shortcomings can give you the energy you need to improve. I never advise chronically using anger for every little tiny detail of your life, at some point you need to be able to use discipline to behave properly. But until you get to that level, anger is a great burst of strength and power that can be used to destroy immediate temptation and weakness. Pacifism never destroyed anything.

Aggression is to be Targeted at Evil.

If you come in contact with evil, there are multiple ways to use aggression to overpower it. Never suppress aggression, instead learn to channel it.

  • Target aggression at your sin as mentioned before.
  • Aim aggression at the Devil, despise what he offers you, curse the immediate enjoyment of his “gifts”.
  • Despise the actions of evildoers, but do not despise the individuals themselves.
  • Hate your own cravings to do what is wrong.
  • Hate your intellectual, physical and emotional poverty.
  • Use aggression in real, physical warfare to destroy evil.

Aggression is to be Harnessed for the Improvement of Self and Society.

You are no longer allowed to be satisfied with where you currently are in your personal, physical and mental development. You are not satisfied with the development of those around you and of society as a whole.

It is vital that you harness this dissatisfaction and your aggression to build a better life for yourself and for others.
  • Use aggression to train your physical body. This must be done daily and it a critical component of properly channeled aggression. Physical training is the easiest place to learn the basic procedure for how to channel aggression into an endeavor.
  • Use aggression in politics, if you dare. Overpower evil and attack it with violence.
  • Attack your bookshelf, wage war on ignorance.
  • Use aggression to override any discomfort you have with talking to others, disciplining your children or working in the marketplace.

The damage that weak men in the Church have done to the new generation of men by promoting pacifism can be undone, but it will be very difficult. Until men have something real and tangible to fight against, the majority of them will not change their ways and voluntarily become strong. But you are different, you have read to this point so you must already desire strength and personal power. Use your God-given masculine aggression to create the life, mentality and character that you want to have.

Addendum: Soon to be introduced to the site will be the AGGRESSIVE STUDY SERIES, which is a Scripture memorization list that will provide you with Words that are very aggressive. As a man you need to be able to know why it is important to be aggressive, the value it provides, how you can use aggression to better your life and how to defend your aggressive position with Scripture. Men cannot argue against scripture without arguing against God.

Start the 1 Year Aggressive Verse Study!

Make The Most of Your Time

We have only so many hours to exist in physical form, so we need to budget them effectively. We need to arrange all the tasks we need to accomplish so our life isn’t a complete and utter waste like it is for most betas in the Church.

Time ticks away constantly, you can sit and watch it happen.

“Teach us to number our days that we may gain a heart of wisdom”.

Proverbs 90:12

Every day we are approaching our death, and this gives everyday value. Man would accomplish very little if he could live forever, because he would have no reason to accomplish anything. The stone age would have been extended several thousand years without the constant approach of death.

You have the choice to either be sad that life is quickly coming to an end, or you can distract yourself every day with work and progress.

Is work really a distraction? Absolutely. Because unless you have developed the fortitude of mind to be able to stomach the fact of the inevitability of your death, you need to distract yourself. This is why very few men can sit down and be alone with their thoughts. 

While it is true that we believe that we will go to heaven upon death, that makes death no less scary. Death is still unknown, dark and lonely. Time is the only barrier between us and death. For this reason we must make the best use of time every single day.

Pathetic boys waste time, men make the most of every day.

Boys burn time away with frivolous activities while men build disciplines and better the lives of others with their work.

We have only so many hours to exist in physical form, so we need to budget them effectively. We need to arrange all the tasks we need to accomplish so our life isn’t a complete and utter waste like it is for most of the boys in the religious world. 

Time is slipping away, my friend, what exactly are you doing with your time? Watching football for six hours on Saturday? Do explain how that is benefiting you in your life.

Are you more intimate with your sports and video games than you are with your wife? Probably. Change now. Stop being the beta, the loser and be a man. Budget your time, spend it on things that matter. Focus and do something with your pathetic and meaningless existence. 


Time is all that is between me and death, so I make this day one of value.



Stop blowing away time. Install Rescue Time on your computer. It will keep track of how you spend your time and give you statistics based on how much time you waste.

Outside of that, write down how you spend your time every day for a week. Don’t live differently than you normally do and lie to yourself for the week, do what you normally do and write it all down in 15 minute or half hour blocks. I guarantee that you are wasting your life, and you will know this after examining your time budget after a week.

Have you had bad breaks in your life? Is life unfair? Are some people overnight successes? No. Absolutely not. Have some ownership because your life is exactly how you created it by all the choices you made. Wasting every day and complaining is how you built your life, and today is the day that stops.

Conduct Yourselves Like Men.

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