Achieve as a Man by Making Everything into a Goal

It is hard for men to motivate themselves without the presence of some kind of desirable end-state goal. It is even harder for them to motivate themselves if they do not have some kind of painful punishment to avoid. For this reason you must make everything a goal, no matter how small.

Without a goal, man has nothing to aim for, and he will miss every time if he aims for nothing.

“A desire accomplished is sweet to the soul”.

Proverbs 13:19

It is hard for men to motivate themselves without the presence of some kind of desirable end-state goal. It is even harder for them to motivate themselves if they do not have some kind of painful punishment to avoid. For this reason you must make everything a goal, no matter how small. Doing this is guaranteed to make even the tasks you hate slightly more tolerable.

If you are someone who likes statistics, this can be done by counting up all the tasks you have to do and converting to a percentage.

Easy, quick, and now you have visible, measurable progress on your goals. To do this, divide the number of tasks you have completed by the total amount of tasks you have to do. If you have 50 tasks and have completed 13 of them, then you are 26% finished with your tasks. 1350= 26%

The best way to make everything a goal is to try to improve at every task you are doing. Ask yourself, “How can I make this action more efficient?”, “How can I do this faster?”, “How can I get this done using less resources?”. Switch your brain from “hating your job” mode, into “problem solve” mode. Once that problem solving area of your brain is activated, you will spend less time thinking about how much you hate your job, and eventually you may become so efficient that you can switch to another job instead. 

Accomplish goals. Weak boys set vague goals and don’t see them through to the end. If you make a goal, keep it, or don’t waste your time making that goal. Nothing satisfies the soul like the progress towards a goal, and then finally the achievement that goal. So make everything a goal and maximize the natural “high”.


I will be more efficient. I will look for ways to be faster, more productive, smarter, and a more valuable person.

Goal. Achieve


Simple. Switch from job loathing mode to problem solving mode, as mentioned before. Constantly look for ways to improve the system, then actually follow through and improve it. Make sure your goals are as clear as glass. You will never achieve goals that are vague. Small goals count, but they must be clear. If your goal is to perfectly fold letters, that is fine, you have more clarity with that goal then most weak men have in their entire careers. 

Break down every task into all of its component parts.

Start working on the most important piece first and then move on. Concentrate on completing each small part as perfectly as you possibly can. If you have to write a paper and you know it needs a paragraph of introduction, three paragraphs of body, a paragraph of conclusion and five sources of information, then write all these down in a list, or a table and check them off as you go.

Paragraph of Introduction
Three paragraphs of body
One paragraph conclusion
Five research references. 

You can break these tasks down into even smaller tasks. Break each paragraph into 6-8 sentences. Break the research references down into their separate categories and then break the actual reference down into its component parts of the name of the source, title, author, date and publisher. Everything in life is achievable if you break it down into small, easily accomplished pieces. 

Conduct yourselves like Men.


The ability to concentrate is exceedingly rare. So rare that it is incredibly impressive when you find someone who can concentrate consistently. So impressive is the concentrated man that he is invited to give public speeches just to talk about this rare “gift” he has. It is no gift, it is a skill built over time.

Developing the skill of concentration will immediately improve your value to society.

“Concentrate your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.”

Colossians 3:2

You walk out of the church building. You didn’t hear a word of the sermon, can’t remember a single thing that was said the whole morning. Why? You couldn’t stop thinking about football. You couldn’t stop thinking about sex. Maybe you were thinking about eating lunch, taking a nap and playing video games later. You have no concentration. 

Inability to concentrate is one of the hallmarks of a beta.

Literally, beta brain waves are associated with awakeness and alertness, but they are also rapid and unfocused. Alpha brain waves are present when you are asleep, or practicing meditation or mindfulness. This is the difference: Alpha waves represent a more mindful and focused state of mind while beta waves represent the complete lack of focus that most men have. Beta waves are jittery like a rabbit, just like the majority of weak men. This is also why mindful meditation is incredibly important. 

The ability to concentrate is exceedingly rare. So rare that it is incredibly impressive when you find someone who can concentrate consistently. So impressive is the concentrated man that he is invited to give public speeches just to talk about this rare “gift” he has. It is no gift, it is a skill built over time. 

The inability to concentrate is the cumulative effect of years of not even trying to concentrate.

A person with concentration has done the opposite if this. His focus is the cumulative effect of years of practice and dedication to the art of concentration. 

You too can build this level of concentration.

Make concentration a priority for the sake of your worship.

Build your focus so that when time calls for it you can work and destroy any task at hand, or so you can worship in spirit and in truth. 


Complete Concentration

Concentration. Focus. Concentrate


Research the idea of “Access Concentration”. (Try this). The exercises are simple, but they build focus. One exercise is to lightly pinch your index and thumb, and concentrate completely on the sensation between the fingers. The pressure is very light, very difficult to stay focused on, but it builds the concentration skill. 

Apply concentration to your work. Whatever the task at hand is, concentrate completely on it until it is finished. Your concentration muscle will be weak, so build it. Don’t be discouraged by your complete lack of concentration at first. Most men fail at building any habit just because they want results too quickly. This is the state of society. Earn it. Work for it. Do not be the pathetic man who wants overnight results, be willing to put the effort in to building concentration, or to building any habit you want. 

Another tool for building concentration is to eliminate distraction. Everyone knows this, but so few apply this tactic. It is simple, remove every unnecessary, distracting item from your workspace. Make it so you have nothing to do but work when you are in your work area. Set up some filters on your computer to block social media between various work hours of the day. (Try 

If you eliminate distraction, you can accomplish in 3 hours what used to take you 9.

Use that efficiency to be successful.

Set small time goals for concentration before you attempt long spans of time. If you cannot concentrate for 15 minutes, then trying to concentrate for an hour is going to get you nowhere. You have to build up to those numbers through training. When you do your concentration exercises, make the first goals very small and achievable. 

Aim for 1-2 minutes at first. Only when you can complete those 1-2 minutes with perfect focus (no intruding thoughts, pure mind control) should you move up and attempt 3-5 minutes. Slowly level up your training and don’t expect immediate results. Improvement always takes time. Endure the pain of change.

Conduct yourselves like men

The Work of Man

You have to work every day. You must put effort into your craft. You must pound the stone every day. Visible progress towards a desirable end-state goal must be visible every single day, otherwise you have wasted the day.

“For even when we were with you, we commanded you this: If anyone will not work, neither shall he eat.”

2 Thessalonians 3:10

“Then I hated all my labor in which I had toiled under the sun, because I must leave it to the man who will come after me.” – 24 “Nothing is better for a man than that he should eat and drink, and that his soul should enjoy good in his labor. This also, I saw, was from the hand of God”.

Ecclesiastes 2:18

Man must work. Any male who does not work is not a man. Also, do not deceive yourself, just because you clock in to a 9-5 every day does not mean you workJust because you punch the clock and sit in a pew every Sunday (and even every Wednesday if you are “Super Righteous”) does not make you a Christian. You aren’t doing the work. You are merely radiating heat from your buttocks into the pew you inhabit, and heaven help the person who takes your assigned seat.

You have to work every day. You must put effort into your craft. You must pound the stone every day. Visible progress towards a desirable end-state goal must be visible every single day, otherwise you have wasted the day. To be a sloth is to disgrace your ancestors and to spit in the face of masculinity.

You don’t have to like what you do, you just have to do it. And if it is true that you hate your work, take a good look in the mirror at who is responsible for creating the life you are living. Who you are is the sum total of all the actions you have taken up until this moment. Your job is the result of your career preparation, if you do not like it then fix it.

Most men hate their job because they were lazy in preparing themselves for a good job.

Take some ownership.

If you don’t like your work, then DO something about it. The problem of hating your work can be overcome with additional work directed towards a new career. Hammer the nail. Do the work. Satisfy your soul.


Hammer the Nail



Make progress with at least one task of your day. If you are accustomed to being a sloth for the entire day, scrolling through social media when you should be working, then take a good look at your life, because the odds that it is improving are low. If this is you, stop complaining about how the “little guy can’t get ahead”. If the “little guy” would stop stealing from his employer by spending his hours playing on his phone then the little guy would get ahead. Make one task effective. Do one task better than you have ever done anything in your life and see how you feel. Develop marketable skills. Act in a way that allows you to add value to who you are, because at the end of the day all you have is your name. What is your name worth? 

Conduct yourselves like men.

Productive Uses of Masculine Aggression

When raw, unbridled emotions are channeled into a controlled action, that action becomes unstoppable. Testosterone builds nations. Testosterone physically manifests itself by aggression. Aggression is anger under focused control.

“Be angry, and yet do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger”.

Ephesians 4:26

Aggression is an internal energy source that, if used properly, should be invisible to others. You aren’t getting in people’s faces and screaming, instead you are driven in your work and in navigating social circumstances. Train the body with aggression. You resist temptation with aggression aimed at the vile schemes of your demon. You build your relationships with aggression pointed at your own mediocrity. Controlled Aggression is the edge that puts you slightly ahead of the competition.

Aggression is different from anger in that it has something to aim at, while anger can be random and used blindly. A forest fire is uncontrolled and destroys everything in its path until stopped, while a blowtorch is a tool for building items of value. Both forest fires and blow torches use fire, the difference is that the blowtorch is highly controlled and its energy is concentrated into a single point.

Blowtorch. Aggression.
Blow Torch. Controlled. Mostly Good
Forest fire. Aggression
Forest fire. Uncontrolled. Mostly Bad

Anger and aggression are both tools that are highly interrelated, but for focused work you need an emotion that is not overbearing or difficult to control, and aggression is that emotion. 

The weak men of the Church have spoken against aggression for years now.

They have all the intestinal fortitude of a castrated rabbit, and they expect you to be the same.

The results of the lack of proficiently channeled aggression is found sitting in the pews of the Church. Lack of aggression makes males fundamentally effeminate and therefore unable to attract high quality mates or contribute to society. 

Aggression is not unbound or arbitrarily aimed. It is a focused and controlled energy that can help you earn the life you want.

The pain of physical training can be overridden with aggression.
The monotony of your job can be removed through aggression.
Use this masculine tool, this Gift of God, to your advantage, and bend the world to your will. 


I am aggressive. I destroy tasks and objectives with ease.


Feeling the boredom in your cubicle? Think about all the time you are wasting there. Focus on what you would rather do, what you want to spend your life doing. Think about that and then get aggressive enough to outperform everyone else, make the money you want and get out of the office for good.

Concentrate your aggression and use it to earn what you want in life. Do not be afraid of aggression, it is a powerful tool that can be used to build anything you want. Ignore everything the men in your Church have to say about aggression. They wouldn’t know aggression if it swung an ax at them. 

KEY: Men in the Church fear aggression because aggression is a byproduct of testosterone which is produced in the testicles which are the main items that men in the Church do not have. They are ashamed, afraid and embarrassed about their emasculation so they have to demonize every expression of aggression that they see. They will complain about aggression until they need the help of police or the protection of the military who routinely use aggression to crush evil.

One of the best applications of aggression is to use it to overcome fear or discomfort. Again, the best way to start learning how to use the “hot emotions” is to use them on something physical like your physical training before moving on to something that needs better control, such as applying aggression to intellectual work or building businesses. 

By this time you should already be training the physical body on most, but preferably all days of the week. Applied aggression will allow you to push the envelope in your training.

If you are performing squats with a certain weight and aiming for 15 repetitions, the first 8 may be easy before the physical pain begins to come into your mind and body. When the pain arrives, this is where you want to call upon aggression. All those dark thoughts you have as a man and violent tendencies can be directed into your training.

Get Angry, or rather express the anger that already lives inside of you. Force yourself to concentrate on expressing your anger in a controlled way, without allowing your body mechanics to break down.

Do not call on aggression for the first few repetitions, you will need that energy later.

Avoid getting overly “Hyped”, or you will lose control of yourself during the exercise and fail to perform it properly. The first repetitions should be totally in your control and you should have perfect form in completing them so that when you get to the final, aggressive reps, you are already performing perfect reps.

Using aggression can apply to team sports as well, just remember the guiding principle:

Do not call upon aggression until you experience pain and difficulty.

Do not mindlessly apply aggression 100% of the time, that is not productive because you lose the ability to be rational and you will run out of aggression. Applying your aggression to some physical endeavor is extremely therapeutic. 

Once you have mastered applying aggression to physical outlets, you can move on to endeavors that are more difficult. It is harder to use aggression for study or business, but it can be done.

For study you have a few options:

  1. Use aggression towards classmates or competitors in the same way that you use aggression towards opposing players on sports teams. You are not trying to express violence towards them, but instead you are cultivating a desire to outperform them. 
  2. Become angry with your mediocrity. Become as aware as possible of the depth of your ignorance. The thought of how little you know about anything and everything in the world should begin to stir up some disappointment in who you are and how immature your way of thinking is. Do not let the disappointment last, instead convert it to aggression. Become angry at your ignorance and destroy it by acquiring more knowledge. 
  3. Increase endurance in study by properly using aggression. In the same basic way that you apply aggression in your physical training, you must also apply it in study. After a certain amount of time spent learning, you naturally begin to tire. You decide that it is time for a break or that you can learn no more for the day, but the mind is much more resilient than that.

    Instead of retiring for the day, take the break you were intending to take instead. During your break you must fuel your mind with aggression and aggressive thoughts. Take a walk and think about being victorious and about gaining knowledge. Remember that only the weak make excuses. Become disgusted with your desire for rest because it is a desire of weakness. Become disgusted with those around you who have fallen victim to the excuses they make in their minds and have failed on themselves as a result. Your cultivated aggression should stir up “hot emotions” and thoughts that override your desire for rest. You catch a second wind and can start working again.

For Business:

  1. Become fueled by a desire to destroy your competitors. Business is war, and you must be willing to engage in warlike behavior in order to win. This does not differ all the way from the large business owner to the small “mail-room worker”. All working individuals need an aggressive drive that pushes them to be more.

    Men are constantly competing over resources and women, you can put yourself ahead of the pack if you learn to concentrate aggression into your work. This will allow you to work harder and longer than anyone else. When you are working and you begin to fatigue, you must think of the enemy: he is working, training and preparing. And if you do not work, train and prepare more than he does then he will kill you.

    You must think these warlike thoughts. Override your fatigue with aggression.

Obviously there can be several additional examples of applying aggression in study or business, but these should suffice to get your mind working in the right direction. From these basic four tactics, you can build your own tactics and ways to productively use your God-given aggression. 

Conduct yourselves like men.

Master of Mind

The mind is the central command center for everything that will happen in your body.

The mind is the central command center for everything that will happen in your body.


“Let your eyes look directly ahead And let your gaze be fixed straight in front of you.”

Proverbs 4:25

“Therefore, prepare your minds for action, keep sober in spirit, fix your hope completely on the grace to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ.”

1 Peter 1:13

 The Spartan Christian believes that the mind is separate from the brain. The mind is the source of consciousness while the brain is a physical manifestation of what man thinks is the source of thoughts. While the brain will be left on earth after death the mind and consciousness endure. The mind is not affected by the various chemicals that are released and absorbed by the brain. Unlike the brain, the mind is not a physical entity.

All emotions can be simplified to various brain chemicals.

Science believes it can link every emotion with a certain chemical or a combination of chemicals. These compounds influence or are controlled by the brain, the physical structure. The mind is above these chemicals and compounds, it can even control them through the application of thought, a phenomenon known as the placebo effect.

The mind has the power to change the very chemistry of the brain and the body simply by altering the thoughts.

Simple but not easy.

The mind is the root of many problems, the majority of which are fabricated and are never realized. We allow ourselves to worry and be overcome by anxiety. We allow the body to be negatively affected by the mind. We entertain thoughts that drain our strength rather than thoughts that give us the mental edge. We have the ability to correct this, we simply have to overcome the initial friction.

The mind creates stress, anxiety, fear, anger, hatred, love, joy, gratitude and peace. Series of thoughts are linked together until they create these emotions and mindsets. In order to create good mental states and avoid negative ones, the correct thought sequences must be created while simultaneously destroying the negative sequences. If you can remove one step from the sequence of negative thoughts, you may be able to stop the entire emotion. If you can then interject a new thought you can translate the momentum from the negative mindset into the positive one. On these two foundational abilities rests the complete control of the mind.

Control the mind, or the mind will control you.


The reason so many people have problems with their mental state is because they are unaware of it. The mind does not gravitate towards higher, nobler places of its own accord. The mind must be pushed to positive states by creating the correct thought environment. If you can master your mind, mastery of the body becomes easier.

By this point you should be an expert in the field of awareness. So as you know, the key to mental mastery always begins with awareness. How will you translate your thinking if you are not aware of the thoughts in your mind? You will not be able to.

Primary Objective I: Derail Negative Thinking.

If we can involuntarily “lose our train of thought”, then we absolutely can voluntarily derail our thinking if we apply effort. Human beings always want change to be painless and effortless. We must purge this thinking from our mind.

If you attempt to derail a train of thought but fail because it requires effort, do not give up. Shifting thought patterns will take focused effort, it will not come naturally because you have not practiced doing so for your entire life. The “Get in shape fast and easy” marketing strategy does not apply in real life, so why would it apply to our mental strength?

The train is derailed by first recognizing the thoughts and taking an objective, detached view of where those thoughts are taking you.

If your thinking is taking you directly to fear and anxiety, it must be averted. Become aware of the thought sequence that is in your mind and accept that it is irrational. Your thinking has no logic and no grounds and will likely never become realized in matters of fear and anxiety. Your fears almost never come true.

Upon this recognition, many individuals will find that they already derailed their train. For many people awareness alone is enough to correct the weak patterns of thought. This is why awareness is vitally important to any type of change.

The thoughts can also be derailed by switching the mind off completely. Note: this prevents you from creating positive mental states. But having no mental state is much better than having a weak, negative one.

If you are a man, you likely know how to switch your mind off unless you have some sort of disorder.

If you have a disorder, you should be a subject matter expert in it.

If you have a fear or anxiety disorder, you should be researching everything you possibly can about your enemy. You cannot defeat it without intelligence.

Lastly, get moving. You can flood your brain with chemical reinforcements if you will get up and train your body. Overcoming adversity and making progress are possible in the physical simulation that is exercise.

While training we are simulating adversity, simulating problems and challenges, and overcoming them in a controlled environment. The experience gained in simulation then transfers to life. The strong mental state you created in physical training then becomes a strong mental state in the real world.

You are already “in the zone” after training, so now it is that much easier to be in the zone in your regular life. There is no excuse to avoid training the body. The fact that training the body also trains the mind is an added bonus.

Primary Objective II: Generate Positive Thinking. Once you are aware of the thought, you can derail it by instantly replacing it with a different thought. This can be done simply by analyzing your situation and distilling the pros from it. This is the “Good” method promoted by Retired Navy Seal Jocko Willink in his text, “Discipline Equals Freedom: Field Manual”. Something terrible happens? Good. Your character improves. Stressed because you might not get the new job? Good. You have time to make a better resume and strengthen your weak faith.

The mind can also be shifted to something different by forcing a new train of thought onto the same rails as the negative train. Convert your mind to a subject that you are excited about, one that will benefit you later on down the road and your mindset will change.

You can focus on what inspires growth or on what promotes fear. Fear can inspire growth, but wallowing in fear never led to any type of progress.

Focus on your career goals, family goals and personal goals. Start adding to those goals and make them difficult for you to achieve. You will never be more proud of yourself than when you accomplish something extremely difficult. By focusing on goals instead of fear, you create a productive train of thought. Control your mind. Generate wisdom. Win your mental wars. 

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