Work Ethic is the capacity and ability to perform intense or large volumes of work without complaining and while maintaining enthusiasm.
“He who has a slack hand becomes poor, But the hand of the diligent makes rich”.
Proverbs 10:4
“The hand of the diligent will rule, But the lazy man will be put to forced labor.”
Proverbs 12:24
Work ethic will forever be a predominant differential between masculine men and beta males.
It may not be the differential in success itself, because someone can always ride the wave of their natural talent to moderate success. However, this does not make them masculine, it makes them lucky. To put your hand to the grindstone makes you masculine. To use that work ethic to build the strengths and correct the weaknesses of character is where the spirit of man rests.
Each generation wants to blame the following generation for being lazy and having no work ethic. The first problem with this accusation is that the people who are complaining about the next generation are the same people who raised the next generation. The second problem is that every generation is riddled with the lazy no matter where you look in history. No generation is special, and none misses out on their fair share of scobblelotchers.
A weak generation complains about another generation instead of doing something about it or at the very least taking ownership of the fact that they produced that generation. They complain about the very children they created. It would be the same as a carpenter finishing putting together a nice table, examining it and then complaining, “Wow, they just don’t make things how they used to. Look how this piece of garbage turned out”.
Work ethic is built daily.
As with anything else in life, you have to acquire the correct mindset before you start the process of change. You must decide to have a great work ethic before you can start making one. Just as you must decide to build a great physique before you start training to create it.
Work ethic extends beyond your 9-5 job. The weak have a work ethic only at work. Anyone can generate a work ethic from the ether if someone is paying them to do so, but that is not what a man does. A man comes home after his work and immediately begins to work on things that will improve him personally. A man cranks out his habits and disciplines when he gets home at night or early in the morning before he works. He does this work like a machine. He reads, writes, builds, trains or does whatever he sees fit. A man does not plop in front of the television for a four hour “decompression” session.
Weak boys try to take the edge off, men try to get the edge.
Work on yourself in your off hours, it will increase your value to everyone around you, from the company you work for to your family at home. Do your work to the highest possible level, it is in this work that you build confidence in yourself and in your character as a man.
All work I do is done to the highest possible standard of work.

Work ethic truly manifests in the small details of your work and life. Work ethic determines if you do a whole job or whether you skip out on the small details you think no one will notice. Even if no one notices, you notice. You recognize your own lack of character and integrity. If you are just starting to build work ethic, this is where you start, in the things no one will notice. If you can discipline yourself to work on things no one will see, then when the time comes for others to see your work, you will be mentally equipped to do a full job.
Go the extra mile when no one is looking. Pick up the trash on the ground near your work area even if you think you are “above it”. Do the jobs that seem below your pay grade. Do the extra repetition in your training. Write the extra sentence in your book. Most importantly, do not clock out of work ethic when you get home. You need to work at home too. Have projects or books to train your work ethic at home because only betas come home, turn off their work ethic and turn on the television. Be a man, do the work. Be Successful.
Conduct yourselves like Men.