Disassociate from Experiences – 2 Exercises for Emotional Control

Let me provide you with one of the most valuable tools you will ever hear about: the skill of disassociation. This tool is nothing new. Tony Robbins calls it “dissociating” and Jocko Willink calls it “detachment”. The ability to disassociate is a skill used by every master of emotion.

Essentially what it involves is separating yourself from your current emotions. you look at yourself as an outsider would see you. Then you try to direct the various ways you are acting or feeling. You poke and prod the specimen that is yourself, searching for inconsistency or irrationality.

When we have negative experiences, we tend to get sucked into the moment. We feel the worst of the worst when it comes to our emotions and our inability to manage them. This leads us to make poor decisions and act illogically. That is not the type of behavior befitting men.

What you need to be able to do is separate yourself from emotions so you can make good decisions. Or you can disassociate from emotion in order to lessen the pain of certain negative experiences. There are limitless benefits to dissociation and very few downsides.

Here is a simple exercise: when you find yourself in an emotionally painful situation, complete the following steps.

  1. Stop. Take a mental step back and a deep breath.
  2. In your mind, dissasociate yourself from your physical body. See yourself as if you were looking at someone else.
  3. Turn the picture of yourself to a black and white photo.
  4. Turn down the brightness on the image of yourself.
  5. Now with the highly stimulating pieces of your emotions quieted, ask questions about yourself. Ask yourself if you are beeing rational. Ask yourself these questions ina calm, cool, collected manner.
  6. Take inventory of everything that the person you are looking at (you) is feeling and analyze it objectively. There is no need to feel emotion here.
  7. Wait until you are calm.
Another option is to take this exercise even further if you find you are not doing well.
  1. Stop. Take a step back and a deep breath.
  2. Disassociate from yourself again and look at yourself in your mind’s eye as if it were a movie.
  3. Once you change the photo to black and white and make it less bright, solidify the picture in your mind.
  4. Then disassociate again. You should be looking at a version of yourself who is also looking at a dim, black and white picture of yourself. This is called “double disassociation”.
  5. Make the second disassociated verson of yourself black and white, dim and a small picture, then push the picture far away from you, as if it was on the other side of a 100 foot room.
  6. Then analyzse your emotions from the afar off perspective that you have created, and you will find you are better able to be rational.

What this does is put our emotions within our own control. It allows us to separate ourselves far away from what we are currently feeling. When we do this, the old painful emotions start to fade, they lose their power and the feelings themselves become far off.

It may take a few attempts for you to learn how to do this, but it is an incredible technology that you can learn to start taking a firm hold on your emotions. you do not want to run around your whole life having your emotions dictate your day-to-day existence. You do not want to wake up saying “I hope today will be good“. Instead, you have to learn how to make the day good by taking control of your emotions. If you can control your emotions, you can control the world. Impose your will on reality and bend it to you.

Everything we are after in life is some variation on emotional control. If we can control our emotions, and in turn learn to control ourself, we will have everything we want in life. We will be able to feel the way we want to feel and think the way we want to think. Who does not want that?

You can learn to get that if you start by using these two simple exercises to disassociate from your emotions.


Attack the Bottleneck

It has been said that it is a waste of time to work on your weaknesses. Because even if you manage to improve them, they will still never measure up to your strengths. So why waste your time? If improving every little flaw in your character will provide less of a return than concentrating on further improving what you already excel at, why bother? While that may be true, I offer an alternative. You should work on the bottleneck of character.

By that I mean you should attack the flaws that, if changed, will make the biggest difference in your life. These bottlenecks are what is really holding you back from being the person you need to be. Everyone has a basket full of flaws they could work on, but what are the biggest ones? What are the flaws you have that everyone else would notice and be able to identify? If you asked your family or friends about your biggest flaw, what would they say it is?

While you do not have to have that conversation since it can be extremely uncomfortable and unnecessary, you can still think about this question from your friend’s or family’s perspective. What could you improve about your character that would provide at least a 40% return on the investment of time?

Once this flaw is identified, you can get to work on fixing it. Do not stress yourself about your other flaws. There is no point trying to change a million things about yourself at once. Concentrate on the giant, then handle the small details.

Fixing a bottleneck will give you a massive confidence boost. You can maneuver that newfound confidence in a new direction, concentrating on other flaws until you have systematically eliminated every single one of them.

Continue Reading: Motivation

Help Comes From a Position of Strength

It does not matter what kind of help you are talking about. Whether physical, emotional, or financial, any help you give others can only come from a position of strength.

If someone is suffering financially, the only people who can help them are people who hold a position of financial strength. The financially weak cannot help other financially weak individuals. Yet those same people, the greedy poor, will disparage those who have wealth on this earth. They will talk trash about the only people who can help them fix their current situation.

Also, emotional help can only come from a position of emotional strength. You cannot help someone who is suffering emotionally if you are also an emotional wreck. Helping one another typically does not happen in a lateral fashion, with two people on an even playing field helping one another out. Help only comes from a position of strength.

Lastly, physical help can only come from a position of physical strength. If someone is hanging off of a ledge, you cannot help them if you are also hanging off the same ledge. The only people who can help them are people who are above the ledge, standing on solid ground.

Position of Strength

If help can only come from a position of strength, why do we in religion disparage strength so much?

We glorify weakness and label strength as “arrogant”. Those who are strong enough to stand on their own two feet are ridiculed for their self-reliance.

The issue is that so many people who worship at the altar of weakness do not understand that it is our job as people to develop our own strength, as best we can. If we are to meet God halfway, it requires work on our part. We are charged with doing everything we can to the best of our ability and let God take care of the rest. But the weak want God to do everything for them. They do not want to do any work on themselves or their lives. They expect God to do everything while they sit back sipping mango juice on the beach. This lazy mental attitude is the reason that so few Christians hold positions of strength in their daily lives. Most are emotionally, physically, and financially destitute and proud to be so. This is not who we should model ourselves after.

If you want results in your life, you have to develop strength of your own.

You cannot always rely on others because they will not always be there to support you. You need to develop the internal strength to rely on yourself and no one else. Then once you have maximally developed your own strength, you allow God to handle the rest. But never expect God to lift your entire burden for you, He will not do it. That would rob you of the chance to develop your own strength. God will help you along the way, but it is your responsibility to develop your own strength to help yourself first, and others second. Because you cannot help others until you are in a position of strength.

Become The Strongest Link in The Chain

Strength must be built alone. Whether it be physical, mental, or emotional strength does not matter. All that matters is that you do the vast majority of your training by yourself. I talk about this often because to become the strongest link while you are alone is so critical to becoming a powerful man.

Most people make the mistake of always training with and around others. When they do this, they may be able to build strength and perhaps even perform better with the help of their friends. But that is not true strength. It is not true strength because it is borrowed strength.

If I strength train with a partner and feed off his energy, I am not solely responsible for my strength gains. Because I needed to borrow his strength to perform because I did not have the strength to do it myself.

Strongest link

Now there is nothing wrong with getting that type of help on occasion. But If I only ever train with partners and with teammates, I will never develop my own strength. I will get into the habit of borrowing their strength instead of developing my own.

This will not be a problem in the present moment and maybe not for months or years, but eventually, it will be a problem.

Eventually, I will find myself in a situation with the team where I am the weakest link. I am the weakest link because even though I improved my strength in training, I was using borrowed strength of my teammates. And as a result, I never developed my own inner strength of mind.

The cure is to train alone. The only way to be the strongest link is to build your strength in isolation. When you have no choice but to rely completely and entirely on yourself in training, you develop far more than your physical strength. You develop the inner strength of the mind. You develop the valuable asset of self-reliance. This is vitally important because you cannot rely on anyone in this world, not even on your Christian brethren. The church preaches teamwork, but the Adversary never attacks you when you are at your strongest. He never attacks you when you are with your team. He waits until you are alone and have taken your armor off, and at that moment he strikes.

See Mark 4

Who are you in those moments? Who is the man you see in the mirror when you are all alone? Do you see a man who has built his own strength from the inside out or do you see a man who is weak but has created the illusion of strength by constantly training around strong people?

Make no mistake about it, it is useful to be around teammates, to train with others, and to rely on their strength especially during difficult times. But it is equally important to develop your own strength. Religion does not teach you this so I am telling you about it now, hoping that you will begin to learn the importance of solo training.

How do you apply this principle?

It is quite easy, but something no one does. Train alone. 80% of your training time should be done alone. This ensures that you build authentic strength of character. This means you are never the weakest link in any situation.

When you are doing your exercises, you need to do them alone. Does this make training more dangerous? Absolutely. What is life without a little danger? But it also guarantees that you will give a much greater effort than you would if you were training with someone else. Or even if you would give the same effort, at least you are relying on yourself instead of borrowing your partner’s strength. When there is no one there to help you, you have no choice but to give maximum effort or injure yourself.

I know this may be beginning to sound like an absurd, isolationist philosophy. But I assure you the only purpose of this is to motivate you to spend more time developing your own strength by yourself.

If all you ever do is train around teammates, their strengths can cover your weaknesses.

Because of this, you may never even know what your weaknesses are much less improve them. Getting away from the team puts you in a position where you are forced to take inventory of your physical, emotional, or mental strength, look for areas of weaknesses and begin to fix them.

I continue to use the physical strength analogy because it is easy to understand and relate to. But these principles apply just as much to mental and emotional strength. You cannot always rely on others for emotional or mental strength. Those people will not always be there for you. You need to be training for a worst-case scenario. And in every worst-case scenario, you are completely alone. So, train alone so you can be the strongest link. Do not mistake group strength for individual strength. Who cares what two people can do while working together? Tell me the story of the man who overcame the odds all by himself and did something spectacular.

Tell me the story of the man who becomes the strongest link by training in some isolated dojo for years.

You will not always have allies to form a shield wall with. You will need to be confident enough in your own abilities that you have no fear should you have to walk alone.

Fearlessness in walking alone is developed by first training alone. Then by improving alone. And finally, by mastering yourself alone. You have to strengthen yourself before you can help others. All help, whether physical, emotional, financial or otherwise can only come from a position of strength.

So, put yourself in that position, give yourself that strength by training alone. Then once you have become a great warrior or mind and body, then rejoin the ranks of the team. At that point, you can contribute far more to the team than you could because, because you have become the strongest link. Train alone so you can be more powerful when you train with others.

Draw Out The Enemy

Sometimes it is not wise to engage in outright war with your fellow man. While I mean this primarily in the social sense, it can also apply to physical violence. Many times it is better to peacefully draw out the enemy.

When we engage in total war, we can anger someone and make a lifelong enemy. While I have no problem with angering others, it is not a wise long term strategy. Especially if the goal is to acquire power, make connections, and secure trade.

An angered enemy has no interest in a trade embargo with you. And you must always consider the effects that your actions have on various business opportunities.

In this brief post, let’s look at a simple way you can allow an enemy to defeat themselves instead of having to attack them directly. Every frontal assault, while extremely satisfying, will have the opposite effect that you intend for it. When have you ever been insulted by someone else, demolished in a social debate, and then actually converted to their line of thinking?

Ego always prevails over truth.

To draw out the enemy is to allow them to spread themselves too thin. They come too far out of the “fortress” of their mind and are trapped. You draw them out by asking them questions. simple, innocent questions. Then you allow them to believe they are gaining the upper hand, as you express to them that you are impressed by their reasoning. this compliment causes them to lower their guard and they can be drawn out even further.

Eventually, you have drawn them out so far that the kinks and cracks in their argument begin to show. But you continue to draw them out with more questions, pretending to ignore the obvious holes in their argument. Continue to draw them out until they are spread so thin by their own words that their position collapses in on themselves.

Ideally, you would perform this technique in the presence of as many witnesses as possible. they will think you noble because you did not engage in a frontal assault. they will think your enemy foolish because they could not defend their own position is a simple, civil discussion. By doing this you have destroyed your opponent without violence. You have engaged in civil discourse and laid open the truth.

Read: Patience

You have drawn out the enemy, and they have been defeated.

Draw out the enemy

Remember the second battle of Ai in Joshua 8. They drew out the enemy by pretending to retreat out of fear. This drew the enemy out of the city and allowed Israelite guerrillas to overtake the city and set it on fire underneath the very noses of the Canaanites. Do this to your foes, especially those who hide under the title of “Christian”.

Read: Tribalism

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