Life – Taking Advantage of Time

“Yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes.”

James 4:14

“For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.”

Philippians 1:21

Life is an allotment of time given to man by God for the purpose of obeying His commands. Some would call life a “gift”, I do not dare to be so naive. Life should be called a test instead of a gift. It is a gut check, a test of internal resolve and personal commitment. When men join the military they go through boot camp and are hit with all kinds of chaos from multiple angles. Some men “survive” and move on while others quit and go home. Some of these men go to advanced warfare training to become a special operations commando. Before they make it to special operations, they endure ridiculous amounts of discomfort. Only those who really want to endure can force themselves to continue. 

Eventually these men realize that nothing can hurt them. 

The training officers cannot hurt them. 

Hours in ice cold water cannot hurt them. 

Extreme lack of sleep cannot hurt them. 

Physical exercise that puts the highest possible demands on the body cannot hurt them because the mind is stronger than anything material. 

Physical training is the gut check for those Men. 

Life acts as the gut check for regular men. For those soldiers, extreme difficulty is compressed into a few months. For the common, our difficulty is spread out over all the decades of our life and we never have to endure something so painful as a boot camp. Life is a long, slow war that demands the best from men. The only question is if men can endure all the way to the end of life. 

Key: All of life simply is a long delayed gratification experiment. 

Can we give up the pleasures we want now for the rewards we want later? Can we endure immediate discomfort for the sake of future enjoyment, or are we too weak? 

God has issued commands that are painful to men. God’s commands cause immediate discomfort with the promise of a later reward. There is not a man of flesh on the earth who thinks that saving oneself for marriage is fun or enjoyable. Few men are not tempted by mind altering drugs that would take them away from the pain of the present life. We as men must choose this discomfort and curse the pleasure of sin (Hebrews 11:25). 

You have been given a certain allotment of time to live your life. What are you doing with that time?

Are you wasting it for the immediate pleasure of life? Hebrews 11 states that Moses chose to endure affliction with the people of God rather than to enjoy the passing pleasure of sin. Most people point to this verse to show that sin does not bring lasting enjoyment. What most Christians deny is the fact that sin is enjoyable. Sin feels great. If it did not feel good then we would not do it. The only question is whether or not you will endure a similar affliction with the people of God or if you will give in to the sin. 

The sin will be great immediately, but it will bite you in the end. Righteousness will be painful in the present, but bring enjoyment and satisfaction in the end. The small sins add up to affect your character negatively just as small acts of righteousness compound and reward you with a return on the investment. 

You have to choose one of these paths. Not choosing a path is the same as choosing the path of evil – apathy is death. Apathy breeds stagnation. Stagnation breeds disease. Disease breeds death. Choose rather to be a Man and to progress.


I am spending my time with frugality and wisdom.

Life. Time is Running out.
Life – Time is Running Out


Treat the time you have been given the same as if you were given money. Would you waste all the money in your bank on nonsense or would you use it wisely? Invest your time today for the benefits that come tomorrow. Endure discomfort today knowing that you will be compensated for your sacrifice. Examine your life immediately and look at how you are spending your time. 

Treat your time the same way you would treat your money and budget it. Write down the things you invest time into and see what you can cut out to replace with more beneficial and profitable investments. Half the work is budgeting the time, following through is easy when you determine in your mind what is worth spending time one. 

Use your time budget to break down your spending habits and trim the fat from your days. 

Write down what you are doing every waking hour. 

Note how you are spending your time hour by hour and you will be shocked at how much time you are wasting. 

Wasting too much time watching television? You likely are. Replace it with a profitable habit. Playing too many video games? You likely are. Find a way to make money instead, you will find it more rewarding over time. 

Take a realistic inventory of your life: are you pleased with what you have done with your life? If not, take a good look in the mirror at the source of all your problems. Your life is nothing more than the accumulation of the effects of all your choices thus far. 

Do not be discouraged if your life is a disgrace to all mankind, you still have time to change.

The intent to change is the catalyst for change, but intent alone will not bring about that transformation of the self. You must begin with intent then move to strategizing. Once you build your strategy for how you will spend your time, you must implement that strategy and be consistent with it, forcing yourself to spend your time wisely through tremendous discipline.

Do not waste the time you are given, there will be plenty of time to take it easy one life ends. 

Armor your mind

Discipline your body.

Obliterate the demon of stagnation and the spirit of laziness. 

Change your life. 

Build wealth through wisdom

Gain knowledge

Read books. 

Train your body. 

Conduct Yourselves



“Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”

1 Thessalonians 5:18

“I will give to the Lord the thanks due to his righteousness, and I will sing praise to the name of the Lord, the Most High.”

Psalm 7:17

Thankfulness is rooted in humility, because it takes a humble person to realize that he is not solely responsible for all the good he has acquired in his life. A Higher Power aided him, and to this Power man must give thanks. 

The root of thanksgiving is awareness. It can be difficult to be thankful if you don’t realize how much you have. If you exist in the modern world, you are blessed.

It can also be difficult to be thankful because it just seems cheesy. This is due to the way thanksgiving has been twisted towards emotionalistic liberalism. Thanksgiving is not an emotion. Emotions are for children. Radical Liberalism is for the beta. Radical Conservatism is for the beta. Thankfulness based in humility is for Men.

Thanksgiving is conscious awareness for what one has, and gratitude that one has it.


I am aware of my good fortune, and I appreciate it. 



Take an inventory of the things that matter to you. Take inventory of your favorite things in life and think about them. When you think about these things, appreciation and thankfulness for them eventually emerges. These things do not have to be physical. Look at everything you have been given, and at how little others have been given, and it is difficult not to be thankful. 

Take inventory of things in your life that you cannot control and that have aided you. If you were born into a great family or in a great country, that is a  blessing. If your parents know great people and have good connections, that is a blessing. 

Take inventory of all the situations that have gone your way in life. As humans we tend to focus on the negative things that happen to us. We forget all the times that things have gone our way. The only way to change this habit is to start being aware of when anything goes our way. 

Be grateful for every single tiny thing that goes your way in life. Let nothing slip by unnoticed. Immediately give thanks to God when you do notice your blessings. Be wise.

Conduct yourselves like Men.


Failure is a surefire way to generate growth both of character and skill.

“My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.”

Psalm 73:26

At some point you come face to face with failure. Whether it manifests as a character flaw that affects your work or a sin does not matter. As a man, failing is difficult because of the massive egos we usually carry around. But failing is inevitable.

We should not be discouraged by failing, instead it should excite us. Because within that failure are the exact coordinates for where we need to go in order to improve. Failure is a performance evaluation for our character that lets us know precisely where we are insufficient. Failure points its bony fingers in the direction of improvement. Our failures show us that our study strategies or work ethic need improvement. Sexual failings tells us that our self-control needs refinement.

The weak men are discouraged. Boys wallow in their weakness and flaws like liberals. Weak men ignore their flaws and pretend they don’t exist like conservatives. Both cases are the result of a lack of masculinity. 

Masculinity takes ownership of that failure. It claims every ounce of failure as its own. Masculinity takes full responsibility for the insufficiency it possesses. Ignore the weak, frail ego that pervades the Church and take ownership of your life. Have some ownership for your failures, and use them as a tool to improve.

No growth is possible without failure. 

When I fail, I only grow. 


Don’t be discouraged by failing, instead use it. The best thing about failing is it gives you the blueprint for improvement. Failure is part of the recipe for success. All you have to do is avoid the ego trauma of the weak beta male, and turn that weakness and failure into strength and success. 

To properly use failure, you first have to set clear parameters for both success and failure. You must clearly define the standards of success. Only by doing this will you know when you have failed. 

Without standards, we have no way to evaluate our performance. When we cannot evaluate our performance, we cannot know when we have failed. If we cannot know when we fail, we will not know when we need to improve. When we don’t know if we need to improve, we will remain stagnant.

Accept the reality that you are insufficient in many areas.

This can be done by writing down who you want to be and comparing it to who you are now. Doing this shows us that we have much work to do. But it also shows us a path to success. A man must first decide who he wants to be before he can begin working on becoming that ideal. “Those in athletic pursuit first chose the sport they want, and then do the work” ~ Epictetus. (Read it for Free here)

Be willing to fail. Do not let fear of failing prevent you from taking action. Failure is a surefire path to growth and learning. And it comes at a fraction of the cost of a modern college education. Endure the pain of change.

The next time you fail, try to rush to being thankful for it. You just learned a lesson you will never forget. That alone makes failure a better teacher than any egg-head in a classroom.

Conduct Yourselves Like Men.

They Preach What They Do Not Know

Once upon a time, a weak “Christian” man preached on the benefits of saving oneself for marriage.

He only had sex once a month, but he still preached to the young generation.

The man preached that which he did not know.


He preached sexual fulfillment in marriage when he himself had none. He preached emotional fulfillment in marriage when it was not possible for him as a sex-deprived preacher.

Men who never tried heroin preached against the dangers of heroin.
Men who have only had sex with one woman preach about how much better and more fulfilling it is compared to someone who has had sex with multiple women. How would he know which is better without experiencing both in order to be able to compare it?

(That is not to say that you must partake in every evil before you have the right to talk about it, absolutely not.)

It is to say that when men in the Church do not know what they are talking about should not speak.

They will preach about what they do not know until they preach it to the wrong person, the young men who actually tests what the preacher says.

They will preach about how unfulfilling and regretful it is to have sex with many women and most men will believe them. Until one decides to go against the grain and try sex with multiple women. He quickly learns that he has no regret and the so-called “meaningless” sex is very fulfilling.

You cannot out-“spiritualize” biology. Hormones will win the battles that are fought with willpower alone. The Church wants to pretend that sex is not enjoyable outside of marriage, but men will learn that this is untrue and this inspires men to leave the Church.

The problem in the Church is men who speak about sinful and earthly matters as if they know about them. Young men see through this nonsense and decide to test the evil for themselves.

In testing evil they find that the men in the Church lied.

The primary way to combat this is to have someone who has actually committed all the evil he speaks against. It is not necessary for everyone to have committed every evil.

But a person who has committed every sin imaginable and can still say that they are unfulfilling is infinitely more convincing than the man who has experienced none of the sins.

Sin is pleasurable and enjoyable, and we should stop trying to pretend that it isn’t. Yes, sin does inevitably lead to death, but before it gets there is passes through the candy-land world of pleasure.

We must teach the kids that sin is gratifying and fun on the front end, then on the back end it supplies you with pain. Sometimes that pain will not come until the next life, so telling kids that “bad things will happen to them” if they commit sins is moronic.

Because someone is going to take that gamble, and they are going to learn that you were wrong, and they will think the church lies to people simply to keep them from enjoying the few pleasurable moments in life.

This is the negative reputation that the Church needs to fix.

Teach that sin feels good. Teach that sin actually feels great, but that heaven will feel better. We can either enjoy ourselves in this present moment, or enjoy ourselves later, but we cannot have both.

Contrary to what the Church demagogues spew, life is not fulfilling nor is it supposed to be. Sure, there are many times when we “feel” fulfilled, but we should not base our lives on these emoticons because they will leave as quickly as they came. All we should focus on is making it to heaven.

All of life is simply a massive moment of delayed gratification.

If we can outlast the desire to do evil in the moment, we can win the war in the end.

This is a difficult truth, but it must be accepted if we are to be more efficient in the Faith.


No time to read? Listen to “Focus” on Youtube:

Proverbs 4:25 –  “Let your eyes look straight ahead, And your eyelids look right before you.”

Colossians 3:2 – “Set your focus on things above, not on things of the earth.”


You are already second guessing that new year’s resolution you made, or are going to make, even if it isn’t the new year. Why? Because you assumed that after years of eating like a pig, or having a rubbish marriage, being lazy, or avoiding any work outside your soul-crushing 9-5 that suddenly the sky would open up and God Himself would deliver unto thee the willpower to change unsatisfactory habits you have cultivated for years. That is a recipe for failure.

Whether you start this book on January 1st or the middle of the year, either way this is day one, and it’s time to resolve yourself to change. To make a resolution is to decide to be resolute, meaning set in purpose, firm in determination. Having purpose and firmness and being grounded in why you want to change.

You must lay before yourself the ideal of whom you wish to be and contemplate it fully, every day. This focused vision creates the drive to endure the pain of change and fix your problems. Fix your weaknesses. Fix the inconsistencies that make you less of the man that you know you can be.


I am focused. I will focus. I am the embodiment of focus. 


 Choose one task that you will solely and completely focus on for two minutes. Pure focus, no distractions. Repeat this daily until you can manage the two minutes with relative ease, then increase it to three minutes. Adding focus to your skillset will increase your workplace market value by ten dollars per hour instantly, and it will give the the firm and most fundamental skill you will need to become a better man.

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