Rejecting the Weakness of Man

If they are too afraid to teach their sons, then they should have their testicles severed. Because they have no business having sons and passing on their weak genetic information to the new generation.


Weakness is rampant in the modern world. Even worse, there is an epidemic of weak men in the Church. Men who embrace their “femininity” to excess and who suppress their masculinity to a point of nonexistence. This is applauded by the modern world, but it must be avoided if we want a stable, functional new generation of men.

These feeble men want to unleash all their emotions and avoid any of the difficult work necessary in order to strengthen their character. They want to avoid the emotional labor of changing their mind and correcting their vices. These men want God to pat them on the back and tell them how they are “good boys”.

Weak men are one of the reasons why the new generations of men are leaving the Church. There are no masculine role models in the church. There are no men who are willing and able to mentor the young. And the young, having no role models, establish their own ways which naturally lend themselves to evil.

In an attempt to combat this, A new age of men rises that rejects the weaknesses of the fathers.

Men who actually want to be masculine must learn to be masculine through YouTube. They find role models online because very few exist in the Church. Young men learn to work hard and believe in themselves from motivational speeches online. Men learn to find their “passion” and chase it effectively. Men learn all the technical skills they never learned from their fathers. They learn to think, build and create through these men of the world. The young men learn to repair their cars, build furniture, make a resume`, pay bills and taxes, date, dress, tie a tie, shave, comb their hair, interview for jobs effectively, do their math homework and cook foods.

All these things they should have learned from their fathers, but did not because their fathers were feminine beta males. Their fathers were riddled with weakness.

New men have no choice but to learn from men in the world because men in the Church teach them nothing. Men in the Church think that bringing their kids to Church for a couple hours is sufficient to infuse a Christian spirit within them. This alleged spirit will fade within the first weeks of beginning a college career. Passive education in the Church will never outweigh the free sex available at college.

Men must be taught actively, not passively, and most men are learning through worldly men online.

There are also negative effects to allowing young men to learn from other men of the world through online outlets.

New “men” learn how to be “lovers” through pornography, because no one in the Church has the nuts to instruct the youth about sex. Men learn that love equals sex from men of the world. Young men learn that career is the most important part of the life of man, rather than family and relationship. Men learn to be “rational” and may end up rejecting the faith for a more “scientific” view.

Boys in the church need to do more than merely warm the pews they inhabit for 3-4 hours per week. Men have a heavy obligation to teach the young generations and especially their own sons.

If they are too afraid to teach their sons, then they should have their testicles severed. Because they have no business having sons and passing on their weak genetic information to the new generation.

We must reject this weakness of man. As men have a duty to instruct the new generation, and that does not apply to merely our own sons. We must take the time to instruct and be role models for the sons of other men in the Church. Because those kids have weak fathers who are teaching them nothing.

We can observe the barbaric state of most kids in the church and come to the conclusion that a father is not present in the home. (And I don’t mean the good type of barbarian) Just because a male is in the house does not mean that there is a father in the home.

We cannot simply observe and complain about the state of man like bitter old people who watch the news every night. We have a responsibility to take action and conduct ourselves like men. Reject the weakness of man and instruct the new generation of men. There is still time to correct the mistakes of the idler generations.