The Work of Man

You have to work every day. You must put effort into your craft. You must pound the stone every day. Visible progress towards a desirable end-state goal must be visible every single day, otherwise you have wasted the day.

“For even when we were with you, we commanded you this: If anyone will not work, neither shall he eat.”

2 Thessalonians 3:10

“Then I hated all my labor in which I had toiled under the sun, because I must leave it to the man who will come after me.” – 24 “Nothing is better for a man than that he should eat and drink, and that his soul should enjoy good in his labor. This also, I saw, was from the hand of God”.

Ecclesiastes 2:18

Man must work. Any male who does not work is not a man. Also, do not deceive yourself, just because you clock in to a 9-5 every day does not mean you workJust because you punch the clock and sit in a pew every Sunday (and even every Wednesday if you are “Super Righteous”) does not make you a Christian. You aren’t doing the work. You are merely radiating heat from your buttocks into the pew you inhabit, and heaven help the person who takes your assigned seat.

You have to work every day. You must put effort into your craft. You must pound the stone every day. Visible progress towards a desirable end-state goal must be visible every single day, otherwise you have wasted the day. To be a sloth is to disgrace your ancestors and to spit in the face of masculinity.

You don’t have to like what you do, you just have to do it. And if it is true that you hate your work, take a good look in the mirror at who is responsible for creating the life you are living. Who you are is the sum total of all the actions you have taken up until this moment. Your job is the result of your career preparation, if you do not like it then fix it.

Most men hate their job because they were lazy in preparing themselves for a good job.

Take some ownership.

If you don’t like your work, then DO something about it. The problem of hating your work can be overcome with additional work directed towards a new career. Hammer the nail. Do the work. Satisfy your soul.


Hammer the Nail



Make progress with at least one task of your day. If you are accustomed to being a sloth for the entire day, scrolling through social media when you should be working, then take a good look at your life, because the odds that it is improving are low. If this is you, stop complaining about how the “little guy can’t get ahead”. If the “little guy” would stop stealing from his employer by spending his hours playing on his phone then the little guy would get ahead. Make one task effective. Do one task better than you have ever done anything in your life and see how you feel. Develop marketable skills. Act in a way that allows you to add value to who you are, because at the end of the day all you have is your name. What is your name worth? 

Conduct yourselves like men.

The Death of Societal Masculinity and its Effect on Christian Men


In times past, young boys spent a great deal of time around their fathers and other men. They learned skills and behaviors associated with the same traditional masculinity that built the world. Boys learned to riff and wrestle. They learned to work and play. They learned to strike their enemies with a mighty slaughter and protect their family with ferocity. This type of man is a far cry from what presently exists in the Church and world. What went wrong with society that it would produce the feeble, testicle-deficient males we have today?

 It started with the industrial revolution of the 18th and 19th centuries.

Prior to the advent of modern machinery that would eventually bring great ease to American life, boys spent their days working with their fathers on farms, hunting, fishing and doing masculine tasks. Most fathers worked from home (not in the pusillanimous ways that are done today by dad bod wielding men hunched over a keyboard for eight hours) and their sons worked with them. This hard labor would prepare the sons to take over the farm, or the smithy or whatever was the family business. Once machines began to expand in the marketplace, hundreds of jobs became available in the city. 

Many fathers went to work in the factories and were out of the house for twelve or more hours a day. This meant that now the sons had to spend all their time around mommy.

Now there is nothing wrong with mommy, but children conform to whomever they spend the most time with. 

If boys spend all their time around mom, they are going to be soft and effeminate like mom unless mom knows how to raise the son correctly by avoiding helicopter parenting and babying tactics.

Most moms don’t think to put their sons to work. They protect them from every conceivable harm, they prevent them from fighting and adventuring and block them from facing even the slightest level of adversity. Compound this helicopter parenting over 18 years and you have created a full-fledged pantywaist.

The boy had the perfect biological environment to grow up to be an absolute disgrace to masculinity.

These weak sons then grew up and gave birth to sons even weaker than themselves. Once married, these men removed their testicles and placed them in a box in the attic, never to be seen again. They let their wives wear the pants in the relationship and stopped them from enforcing any discipline on the new sons. No adversity was faced; therefore, no growth was experienced.

Boys continued to be weak boys for years, even generations.

It is almost a shame that the world is so safe that even the weakest men are able to pass on their genetics to another generation.

The weak, effeminate men who are fathers today are the same men who would have been eaten by lions thousands of years ago.

This cycle repeats itself today, which is why there are so many weak men in the world and especially in the Church. The Church is the breeding ground for weak men because women can try to override their natural tendency to seek out the most masculine genetics possible in favor of the best provider possible (and the best provider does not necessarily mean the most masculine provider).

Female spirituality and conviction can replace women’s natural desire to find the most “alpha” male and causes her to seek a good “spiritual leader”.

This is all fine and good, but good spiritual leaders are rarely masculine, primarily because men mistake their emotions for spirituality in the same ways that they mistake their lust for love. 

How many masculine men do you have in your church? I find that about 5% of Church going men are masculine. It is our responsibility to undo this feminization of men.

The best thing we can do right now is to be more masculine in our own day to day lives.

We cannot pretend like this feminization of men has not affected us personally in some way.
We are not as hardened as Spartans.
We are not the men of the World Wars who withstood constant mortar fire for months.
We have become soft and set in our ways, so we must move towards Masculinity.
We have to train the body through exercise.
We have to train the mind through learning and reason.
We have to train the emotions through self control.
We must take small steps towards becoming more masculine every day so that we can become more masculine in a society where the feminine man is the ideal man.

Conduct yourself like a Man.

~Excerpt from the book: Spartan Christianity (Coming soon)

Master of Mind

The mind is the central command center for everything that will happen in your body.

The mind is the central command center for everything that will happen in your body.


“Let your eyes look directly ahead And let your gaze be fixed straight in front of you.”

Proverbs 4:25

“Therefore, prepare your minds for action, keep sober in spirit, fix your hope completely on the grace to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ.”

1 Peter 1:13

 The Spartan Christian believes that the mind is separate from the brain. The mind is the source of consciousness while the brain is a physical manifestation of what man thinks is the source of thoughts. While the brain will be left on earth after death the mind and consciousness endure. The mind is not affected by the various chemicals that are released and absorbed by the brain. Unlike the brain, the mind is not a physical entity.

All emotions can be simplified to various brain chemicals.

Science believes it can link every emotion with a certain chemical or a combination of chemicals. These compounds influence or are controlled by the brain, the physical structure. The mind is above these chemicals and compounds, it can even control them through the application of thought, a phenomenon known as the placebo effect.

The mind has the power to change the very chemistry of the brain and the body simply by altering the thoughts.

Simple but not easy.

The mind is the root of many problems, the majority of which are fabricated and are never realized. We allow ourselves to worry and be overcome by anxiety. We allow the body to be negatively affected by the mind. We entertain thoughts that drain our strength rather than thoughts that give us the mental edge. We have the ability to correct this, we simply have to overcome the initial friction.

The mind creates stress, anxiety, fear, anger, hatred, love, joy, gratitude and peace. Series of thoughts are linked together until they create these emotions and mindsets. In order to create good mental states and avoid negative ones, the correct thought sequences must be created while simultaneously destroying the negative sequences. If you can remove one step from the sequence of negative thoughts, you may be able to stop the entire emotion. If you can then interject a new thought you can translate the momentum from the negative mindset into the positive one. On these two foundational abilities rests the complete control of the mind.

Control the mind, or the mind will control you.


The reason so many people have problems with their mental state is because they are unaware of it. The mind does not gravitate towards higher, nobler places of its own accord. The mind must be pushed to positive states by creating the correct thought environment. If you can master your mind, mastery of the body becomes easier.

By this point you should be an expert in the field of awareness. So as you know, the key to mental mastery always begins with awareness. How will you translate your thinking if you are not aware of the thoughts in your mind? You will not be able to.

Primary Objective I: Derail Negative Thinking.

If we can involuntarily “lose our train of thought”, then we absolutely can voluntarily derail our thinking if we apply effort. Human beings always want change to be painless and effortless. We must purge this thinking from our mind.

If you attempt to derail a train of thought but fail because it requires effort, do not give up. Shifting thought patterns will take focused effort, it will not come naturally because you have not practiced doing so for your entire life. The “Get in shape fast and easy” marketing strategy does not apply in real life, so why would it apply to our mental strength?

The train is derailed by first recognizing the thoughts and taking an objective, detached view of where those thoughts are taking you.

If your thinking is taking you directly to fear and anxiety, it must be averted. Become aware of the thought sequence that is in your mind and accept that it is irrational. Your thinking has no logic and no grounds and will likely never become realized in matters of fear and anxiety. Your fears almost never come true.

Upon this recognition, many individuals will find that they already derailed their train. For many people awareness alone is enough to correct the weak patterns of thought. This is why awareness is vitally important to any type of change.

The thoughts can also be derailed by switching the mind off completely. Note: this prevents you from creating positive mental states. But having no mental state is much better than having a weak, negative one.

If you are a man, you likely know how to switch your mind off unless you have some sort of disorder.

If you have a disorder, you should be a subject matter expert in it.

If you have a fear or anxiety disorder, you should be researching everything you possibly can about your enemy. You cannot defeat it without intelligence.

Lastly, get moving. You can flood your brain with chemical reinforcements if you will get up and train your body. Overcoming adversity and making progress are possible in the physical simulation that is exercise.

While training we are simulating adversity, simulating problems and challenges, and overcoming them in a controlled environment. The experience gained in simulation then transfers to life. The strong mental state you created in physical training then becomes a strong mental state in the real world.

You are already “in the zone” after training, so now it is that much easier to be in the zone in your regular life. There is no excuse to avoid training the body. The fact that training the body also trains the mind is an added bonus.

Primary Objective II: Generate Positive Thinking. Once you are aware of the thought, you can derail it by instantly replacing it with a different thought. This can be done simply by analyzing your situation and distilling the pros from it. This is the “Good” method promoted by Retired Navy Seal Jocko Willink in his text, “Discipline Equals Freedom: Field Manual”. Something terrible happens? Good. Your character improves. Stressed because you might not get the new job? Good. You have time to make a better resume and strengthen your weak faith.

The mind can also be shifted to something different by forcing a new train of thought onto the same rails as the negative train. Convert your mind to a subject that you are excited about, one that will benefit you later on down the road and your mindset will change.

You can focus on what inspires growth or on what promotes fear. Fear can inspire growth, but wallowing in fear never led to any type of progress.

Focus on your career goals, family goals and personal goals. Start adding to those goals and make them difficult for you to achieve. You will never be more proud of yourself than when you accomplish something extremely difficult. By focusing on goals instead of fear, you create a productive train of thought. Control your mind. Generate wisdom. Win your mental wars. 

The Eulogy of Life

The Eulogy of Life


Romans 14:8 – “For if we live, we live to the Lord, and if we die, we die to the Lord. So then, whether we live or whether we die, we are the Lord’s”

Ecclesiastes 12:7 – “And the dust returns to the earth as it was, and the spirit returns to God who gave it.”

Death is coming for us all. Therefore, we must behave in a way that gives men the opportunity to speak well of us after our passing. What are we doing today that will be on our eulogy?

What will men say about us?

Hebrews 11 is filled with the stories of men who did took great action during their life and that chapter of scripture lives on as an eternal eulogy to their lives. They left a legacy through their actions, that thought they are dead, they still speak.

Or are we living in such a way that men will struggle to find something good to say about us? The men will all huddle together and scramble to come up with something, anything of worth that you did with your life. Because even though you kept your 9-5 job, raised decent kids, was a decent guy and you checked all the boxes of a good life, you still did nothing worth remembering. You did nothing to stand out and make a difference.

You lived a simple life, which is to be admired in some, but all the while you did not excel in any endeavor. You are forgotten forever.

One day men will stand up to speak on our behalf after we can no longer speak for ourselves. They will give an overview of what we did with our lives. We have the opportunity now to live in such a way as to give them plenty of material to speak about, and to leave them with inspiration for life.

We can live so that others are still inspired by us days, weeks, even months and years after our passing.

If we live as Christians we can go to heaven, but if we live as excellent men on top of that, we can leave others a shining example to follow.

A pattern to model their lives after so they can stop being mediocre in their everyday lives. Most men are pathetic and do nothing, others do great deeds and are remembered for centuries. You have the opportunity today to live so that you are one of those excellent men, rather than the pathetic men that plague the Church today.

Very few men in the Church are admired. And if they are admired in the Church, they are likely not admired outside the Church. You can be both, but you have to live life to the extreme in your disciplines.

Through death we may live.


There are not many high performance individuals in the Church. Most people need rest and recreation time. Most men need to get their minds off life and take the edge off, but not you. You can work hours on end with no rest because your mind is centered on being something great. Your mind is obsessed with being more than your predecessors. This is one of the primary ways to be remembered at the end of life and to make an impact.

You must gather many accomplishments, both inside the Church and outside the Church.

Weak men in the church berate people who succeed in the world, labeling them as “worldly men”.

No, they are just successful, unlike most men in the Church. The new generation will not respect a man who is successful in the Church but is a pauper at his work and whose life is a failure on every other front. You must be successful on all fronts. This begins by not wasting a single hour of the day. If you work 12 hours instead of your normal 8 each day, then will have over 1300 hours of extra work done by the end of the year.

You don’t need the extra rest, you do not need to relax, you need to get after the work.

This does not mean you have to hang at your job for another four hours a day, on the contrary I advise against that. Gather disciplines to yourself that you will focus on for those other hours of the day. If you write for an hour every day, you can write three 100,000 word books a year.

You must use your time wisely. You can waste it watching television or playing video games, or you can concentrate your time in endeavors that could possibly outlive you for hundreds of years. Gather accomplishments but never lose sight of the Lord. This is the mark of a truly great man. Master the use of your time. Control your thoughts. Outwork everyone around you.

Conduct yourselves like men.

Rejecting the Weakness of Man

If they are too afraid to teach their sons, then they should have their testicles severed. Because they have no business having sons and passing on their weak genetic information to the new generation.


Weakness is rampant in the modern world. Even worse, there is an epidemic of weak men in the Church. Men who embrace their “femininity” to excess and who suppress their masculinity to a point of nonexistence. This is applauded by the modern world, but it must be avoided if we want a stable, functional new generation of men.

These feeble men want to unleash all their emotions and avoid any of the difficult work necessary in order to strengthen their character. They want to avoid the emotional labor of changing their mind and correcting their vices. These men want God to pat them on the back and tell them how they are “good boys”.

Weak men are one of the reasons why the new generations of men are leaving the Church. There are no masculine role models in the church. There are no men who are willing and able to mentor the young. And the young, having no role models, establish their own ways which naturally lend themselves to evil.

In an attempt to combat this, A new age of men rises that rejects the weaknesses of the fathers.

Men who actually want to be masculine must learn to be masculine through YouTube. They find role models online because very few exist in the Church. Young men learn to work hard and believe in themselves from motivational speeches online. Men learn to find their “passion” and chase it effectively. Men learn all the technical skills they never learned from their fathers. They learn to think, build and create through these men of the world. The young men learn to repair their cars, build furniture, make a resume`, pay bills and taxes, date, dress, tie a tie, shave, comb their hair, interview for jobs effectively, do their math homework and cook foods.

All these things they should have learned from their fathers, but did not because their fathers were feminine beta males. Their fathers were riddled with weakness.

New men have no choice but to learn from men in the world because men in the Church teach them nothing. Men in the Church think that bringing their kids to Church for a couple hours is sufficient to infuse a Christian spirit within them. This alleged spirit will fade within the first weeks of beginning a college career. Passive education in the Church will never outweigh the free sex available at college.

Men must be taught actively, not passively, and most men are learning through worldly men online.

There are also negative effects to allowing young men to learn from other men of the world through online outlets.

New “men” learn how to be “lovers” through pornography, because no one in the Church has the nuts to instruct the youth about sex. Men learn that love equals sex from men of the world. Young men learn that career is the most important part of the life of man, rather than family and relationship. Men learn to be “rational” and may end up rejecting the faith for a more “scientific” view.

Boys in the church need to do more than merely warm the pews they inhabit for 3-4 hours per week. Men have a heavy obligation to teach the young generations and especially their own sons.

If they are too afraid to teach their sons, then they should have their testicles severed. Because they have no business having sons and passing on their weak genetic information to the new generation.

We must reject this weakness of man. As men have a duty to instruct the new generation, and that does not apply to merely our own sons. We must take the time to instruct and be role models for the sons of other men in the Church. Because those kids have weak fathers who are teaching them nothing.

We can observe the barbaric state of most kids in the church and come to the conclusion that a father is not present in the home. (And I don’t mean the good type of barbarian) Just because a male is in the house does not mean that there is a father in the home.

We cannot simply observe and complain about the state of man like bitter old people who watch the news every night. We have a responsibility to take action and conduct ourselves like men. Reject the weakness of man and instruct the new generation of men. There is still time to correct the mistakes of the idler generations.

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